5 Maintenance | Model 5000B Photometric Analyzer | |
3.Verify that the chart recorder contains a normal display.
4.Verify that the recorder has a sufficient supply of chart paper and
5.3Routine Maintenance
Keep the sample lines and components, including the measuring cell within the analyzer sample module, free of deposits and leaks. You must determine the interval between cleaning procedures empirically, because the duration of time that the system runs without attention is related directly to the sample’s condition.
5.4Suggested Preventive Maintenance Schedule
1.Visuallyinspectthecompletesystemforobviousdefects,such as leaking tubes or connectors.
2.Verify that the sample pump (if applicable) is running.
3.Verify that the signal failure alarm is not in failure condition.
4.Verify that zero and span settings are correct.
1.Examinesamplecellwindowsforaccumulationofsolids. Remove and clean as necessary.
2.Check the UV source.
NOTE: Be sure to wear UV filtering eye goggles.
| Teledyne Analytical Instruments |