3 Operation/Control Unit | Model 5000B | |
offset to be entered.
4.Do a manual run to check. Reintroduce the zero calibration fluid. Start a zero on the analyser but this time enter the offset value.
5.At the end of the zero function, check that the instrument reads the entered offset.
6.Reintroduce the process background fluid mix to the 5000BF sample cell in the Analyse mode. It should read close to zero once the reading is stable (+/- 1% error of full scale).
Spanning the 5000BF:
Since the instrument might be spanned with background fluid the same as the zero calibration fluid, the span value to be entered should be the span concentration plus the offset value (if the offset value has a minus sign then algebraically it becomes a subtraction).
3.5The Alarms Function
The Model 5000BF is equipped with two fully adjustable set points concentration with two alarms and a system failure alarm relay. Each alarm relay has a set of form “C" contacts rated for 3 amperes resistive load at 250
Vac. See Figure in Chapter 2, Installation and/or the Interconnection Dia- gram included at the back of this manual for relay terminal connections.
The system failure alarm has a fixed configuration described in chapter
The concentration alarms can be configured from the front panel as either high or low alarms by the operator. The alarm modes can be set as latching or
Decide how your alarms should be configured. The choice will depend upon your process. Consider the following four points:
1.Which if any of the alarms are to be high alarms and which if any are to be low alarms?
Setting an alarm as HIGH triggers the alarm when the contaminant concentration rises above the setpoint. Setting an alarm as LOW triggers the alarm when the contaminant concentration falls below the setpoint.
Decide whether you want the alarms to be set as: