5 Maintenance | Model 5000B Photometric Analyzer | |
7.After the peaks are balanced, adjust the gain control until the tallest of the two peaks is 8 to 9 volts. The peaks should still be within1 volt of each other.
8.It is always good practice to operate the analyzer with as low a gain as possible. Therefore,withthegaincontroljustbarelyoffitsstop, onceagainremove or add screens in the light path to obtain as high a voltage as possible without exceeding 9 volts for the highest peak.
This concludes the balancing procedure and the instrument is ready for calibration.
5.5.6 Setup of the Logarithmic Amplifier
Theamplifierisinvertingandcontinuouslytakingthelogarithmoftheoutput signalofthesecondamplifier. Youcanobservetheoutputbyconnectingthescope probe to TP4.
The correct wave shape has a rounded negative going pulse that is the signal and a
You should not permit distortions or oscillations in the rounded peaks.
When the positive going pulse is not flat or is distorted, adjust trimpot R3 only enough to obtain a flat positive pulse. If you over adjust, you may lose part of the second decade of absorption and affect the accuracy of analysis for high concentrations of the component of interest where the measuring pulse can become very short. The log amplifier saturates because the amplifier is incapableoftakingthelogarithmoftheslightlynegativebaseline.
5.5.7 Inverting Amplifier
Theamplifierisinvertingandhasagainof1. Itinvertstheoutputsignalofthe logarithmicamplifierandactsasabufferbetweenthelogarithmicamplifierandthe reedswitchandintegrators. Toobservethe outputoftheinverter,connectthescope probe to TP5. The wave must be a duplicateof that observed on TP4, except that itisinverted.
| Teledyne Analytical Instruments |