Emerson 54e pH/ORP Alarm Fault, Feed limit Disable, Timeout 3600 sec, Alarm 4 Setup

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Understanding where to set the TPC parameters is not trivial and is likely to require substantial trial and error to yield acceptable results. pH and ORP/Redox are nonlin- ear measurements and applying PID algorithms can result in unintended effects.

Alarm 4 Setup

5.Alarm 4 is dedicated as a fault alarm. The only option for this alarm is to enable it or to disable it. To disable the alarm, press Edit 4 and use the arrow key to change "Fault" to "Off" .

Alarm: Fault

When a fault condition exists, the relay will energize and the red LED on the front display will turn on.


Feed Limit Timer Setup

Feed limit: Disable

Timeout: 3600 sec


7.00 pH

26.2°C 12.0mA

Feed limit alarm 1


Menu Item






Feed limit (timer)







0-10,800 sec




The controller allows configuring one of the alarms as a Feed Limit timer. The Feed Limit timer prevent overfeeding of chemical reagent by automatically turning the relay off after a timeout period. To enable this feature, press Edit when the Feed limit is highlighted (as on the left), use the arrow key to select an alarm relay and then press Save


When a feed limit alarm has timed out, a message will appear on the main display indicating "Feed limit alarm1" (for an alarm 1 feed limit), the red LED will turn on, alarm 4 will close (if not turned "Off"), the selected feed limit relay will open (de-energize), but all other alarms and current outputs will remain unchanged (i.e. this is not a real fault condition). This condition will continue until the 2 (Ack) key is pressed, at which time the controller returns to normal operation and the feed limit's clock starts again. See Table 6-1, Controller Mode Priority Chart, for controller action in the event of several modes occurring at the same time.


Pressing the 2 (Ack) key will acknowledge all condi- tions that turn the red LED on. If another event occurs after the key is pressed, then the key must be pressed again to acknowledge the new event. This is the only way to clear a Feed Limit Timeout.


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Contents Model 54e pH/ORP PH/ORP Hart Analyzer/ControllerElectrical Shock Hazard Essential InstructionsPage Description and Specifications Model 54E PH/ORP Microprocessor AnalyzerSection Title Appendix Title List of TablesTable No Title About This Document Table of Contents List of FiguresSection Description and Specifications General DescriptionDescription of Controls Power Specifications Physical Specifications GeneralRelative Humidity 95%, non condensing Alarms Current OutputsRecommended Sensors Analyzer Specifications @ 25COrdering Information Code OptionsPart NO. Description Mechanical Installation Section InstallationLocating the Controller Unpacking and InspectionPanel Mounting Power Input Wiring Section WiringAnalog Output Wiring Alarm Relay Output Wiring454EPH02 PH Sensor Wiring PH Sensor CompatibilityTions will Result in Controller MALFUNC- Tion 454EPH01 Cable Dressing Final Electrical Check Wiring to Model Introduction Section CalibrationHold Mode Off Adjust temp 25.1 CTemperature Calibration Autocal buffer Buffer 1 -- WaitAutomatic TWO-POINT Calibration Auto buffer cal done Use the arrow keys to select the correct bufferCalibration Notes Pt 04.00pH 25C Calibrate pointPt calibration done Manual TWO-POINT CalibrationSINGLE-POINT pH Calibration Standardize 7.01 pHTemp comp Auto Temperature Compensation OptionsOutput trim 59.16 mV/pHHold Mode Output trimTrim Outputs PH Settings List Section Software ConfigurationRanges Factory Settings User Settings Diagnostics Section Outline of Menu Levels Changing Alarm Setpoints Alarm High 14.00pHSimulate tests Setpoint 07.00 pH4mA 0.00 pH 20mA 2.00 pH Setpoint 7.00 pHSetpoint + 06.90 pH Changing Output Setpoints PID onlyOutput OutputMA 0.00 pH 20 mA 14.00 pH Output 1 12.00 mA MA +00.00 pHTest output Test alarm Alarm setpoints Output setpointsTesting Outputs and Alarms Simulated testsTest alarm 1 Open Test alarm 1 OpenMeasure pH Display right AL2Security Caution Display contrast Timeout OnDisplay Control ModeChanging Output Parameters Output Control ParametersFault 22.00 mA Range 4-20 mAlRange 4-20 mA Output 2 control Output 2 setup Fault 22.00mAHold feature setup Hold Disable featureAlarms Alarm 3 controlInterval timer Setpoint 0.01 pH Delay 0 sec Alarm LowHysteresis 0.01 pH Delay 0 sec Relay Default NoneSetpoint +07.00 pH Relay default NoneTime period 30 sec URV 2.00 pHFeed limit Disable Alarm FaultTimeout 3600 sec Alarm 4 SetupTimer Disable Recovery 600 secOn time 120 sec Interval Timer Examples Diagnostics Diagnostics OffZero offset 60 mV Auto Calibration Setup DiagnosticsAutocal Standard Stabilize pH 0.01 pH Stabilize time 10 secStandard Buffers Auto Calibration SetupSection Theory of Operation Continuous Sensor DiagnosticsInterval Timer Typical set pointsSee .8 for instructions on chang- ing these setpoints Time Proportional Control TPC Mode Code Alarm RelaysAnalog Outputs Normal ModeController Mode Priority Chart Controller Mode PriorityCondition Definitions Action DefinitionsPID Control Code PID Control Mode CombinationsPID Control Measurement and Set Point Feedback ControlProportional Mode Gain Proportional Gain Plus Integral ResetControl Loop Adjustment and Tuning Process Reaction Curve Process Reaction Curve MethodPID Control Section Special Procedures and Features Password ProtectionLevel 1 3 Password Privileges Security Configuring SecurityCustom Curve Lock allSolution Temperature Compensation Temp coeff +.000Sensor iso 07.00 pH Operate iso +07.00 pH Troubleshooting is easy as 1, 2, 3… Section TroubleshootingDiagnostic Messages Description of problem Diagnostic MessagesSymptom Action Quick Troubleshooting GuideDiagnostic Variables Theoretical pH vs. Millivolt Values at 25C 77F Temperature Compensation Circuit Troubleshooting GuidelinesTroubleshooting Procedure Ohms Ambient TemperaturePreamplifier Troubleshooting Procedure Preamp in a junction box FigureController preamp check Figure Junction Box Preamplifier Check No Power Troubleshooting GuideCoated glass electrode Clean with soft cloth and clean water Password protected Part Number Description Replacement PartsNON-WARRANTY Repair Warranty RepairSection Return of Material GeneralQuick Startup ORP Appendix a ORP ConfigurationItem Choices ORP Settings User Settings Table A-1. ORP Settings ListDiagnostics Section Choices ORP Settings User SettingsSimulated tests Output setpointsORP Calibration Standardize 400 mVSensor or Circuit Board only Return of Materials RequestReturn of Material WarrantySpecifications subject to change without notice