Emerson 54e pH/ORP Temp comp Auto, Output trim, 59.16 mV/pH, Temperature Compensation Options

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Adjust temperature Temp compensation pH slope


Temp comp: Auto

Manual temp: 025.0°C


Automatic Temperature Compensation is a standard option for pH equip- ment and is used in virtually all pH measurement situations. If compen- sation is not desired, the temperature signal from the sensor can be ignored by placing the controller in the manual temperature compensa- tion mode.

Manual mode allows the input of a fixed value that will be used instead of the sensor value. The manual temperature value need only be entered if the temperature compensation setting is manual. In this case, a value may be entered between -15 and 120°C (5 and 248°F).

To change these settings, obtain the top screen by pressing Enter (F4) when Calibrate is highlighted in the main menu and then press the arrow key. Press Enter (F4) again to obtain the lower screen. Highlight the desired item and press Edit (F4) and change the value as needed. Options are Auto or Manual temperature compensation and the temper- ature values listed above. Press Save (F4) to save the change. Esc (F3) will cancel the change.


When the temperature compensation setting is manual, all tem- perature specific faults are disabled.


Temp compensation pH slope

Output trim


The slope of the glass electrode is normally calculated during buffer cali- bration. It can, however, be entered directly (if known) using this proce- dure. A new electrode has a slope of about 59 mV/pH but as it ages the slope will decrease. A slope value below 47 mV/pH unit is a sign of an aged electrode and is not considered adequate for calibration. The pH slope can also be viewed on the diagnostic variables screen.

Use the procedure in Section 4.5 to obtain the screen to the left with "pH slope" highlighted. Press Enter (F4) to display the slope value now being used. Press Edit (F4) for editing and then change the value as needed. Save the new value with Save (F4).

pH slope:

59.16 mV/pH

Acceptable slope values are between 45.0 and 60.0 mV/pH.






Before exiting the calibration mode, if the Hold Mode is ON, be



certain to change the setting to OFF to resume normal operation.





Image 26
Contents PH/ORP Hart Analyzer/Controller Model 54e pH/ORPEssential Instructions Electrical Shock HazardPage Section Title Description and SpecificationsModel 54E PH/ORP Microprocessor Analyzer Table No Title Appendix TitleList of Tables Table of Contents List of Figures About This DocumentDescription of Controls Section Description and SpecificationsGeneral Description Relative Humidity 95%, non condensing Alarms Specifications Physical Specifications GeneralPower Current OutputsAnalyzer Specifications @ 25C Recommended SensorsPart NO. Description Ordering InformationCode Options Locating the Controller Section InstallationMechanical Installation Unpacking and InspectionPanel Mounting Analog Output Wiring Section WiringPower Input Wiring Alarm Relay Output Wiring454EPH02 Tions will Result in Controller MALFUNC- Tion PH Sensor WiringPH Sensor Compatibility 454EPH01 Cable Dressing Final Electrical Check Wiring to Model Section Calibration IntroductionTemperature Calibration Hold Mode OffAdjust temp 25.1 C Automatic TWO-POINT Calibration Autocal bufferBuffer 1 -- Wait Calibration Notes Auto buffer cal doneUse the arrow keys to select the correct buffer Pt calibration done Calibrate pointPt 04.00pH 25C Manual TWO-POINT CalibrationStandardize 7.01 pH SINGLE-POINT pH CalibrationOutput trim Temperature Compensation OptionsTemp comp Auto 59.16 mV/pHTrim Outputs Hold ModeOutput trim Section Software Configuration PH Settings ListRanges Factory Settings User Settings Diagnostics Section Outline of Menu Levels Simulate tests Alarm High 14.00pHChanging Alarm Setpoints Setpoint 07.00 pHSetpoint + 06.90 pH Setpoint 7.00 pH4mA 0.00 pH 20mA 2.00 pH Changing Output Setpoints PID onlyMA 0.00 pH 20 mA 14.00 pH Output 1 12.00 mA OutputOutput MA +00.00 pHTesting Outputs and Alarms Alarm setpoints Output setpointsTest output Test alarm Simulated testsTest alarm 1 Open Test alarm 1 OpenDisplay right AL2 Measure pHDisplay contrast Timeout On Security CautionChanging Output Parameters Control ModeDisplay Output Control ParametersRange 4-20 mA Fault 22.00 mARange 4-20 mAl Hold feature setup Fault 22.00mAOutput 2 control Output 2 setup Hold Disable featureInterval timer AlarmsAlarm 3 control Hysteresis 0.01 pH Delay 0 sec Alarm LowSetpoint 0.01 pH Delay 0 sec Relay Default NoneTime period 30 sec Relay default NoneSetpoint +07.00 pH URV 2.00 pHTimeout 3600 sec Alarm FaultFeed limit Disable Alarm 4 SetupOn time 120 sec Timer DisableRecovery 600 sec Interval Timer Examples Zero offset 60 mV DiagnosticsDiagnostics Off Autocal Standard DiagnosticsAuto Calibration Setup Stabilize pH 0.01 pH Stabilize time 10 secAuto Calibration Setup Standard BuffersContinuous Sensor Diagnostics Section Theory of OperationSee .8 for instructions on chang- ing these setpoints Interval TimerTypical set points Alarm Relays Time Proportional Control TPC Mode CodeNormal Mode Analog OutputsCondition Definitions Controller Mode PriorityController Mode Priority Chart Action DefinitionsPID Control PID Control Mode CombinationsPID Control Code Measurement and Set Point Feedback ControlControl Loop Adjustment and Tuning Proportional Mode GainProportional Gain Plus Integral Reset Process Reaction Curve Method Process Reaction CurvePID Control Level 1 3 Password Privileges Section Special Procedures and FeaturesPassword Protection Custom Curve Configuring SecuritySecurity Lock allSensor iso 07.00 pH Solution Temperature CompensationTemp coeff +.000 Operate iso +07.00 pH Section Troubleshooting Troubleshooting is easy as 1, 2, 3…Diagnostic Messages Diagnostic Messages Description of problemQuick Troubleshooting Guide Symptom ActionDiagnostic Variables Theoretical pH vs. Millivolt Values at 25C 77F Troubleshooting Procedure Troubleshooting GuidelinesTemperature Compensation Circuit Ohms Ambient TemperatureController preamp check Figure Preamplifier Troubleshooting ProcedurePreamp in a junction box Figure Junction Box Preamplifier Check Troubleshooting Guide No PowerCoated glass electrode Clean with soft cloth and clean water Password protected Replacement Parts Part Number DescriptionSection Return of Material Warranty RepairNON-WARRANTY Repair GeneralAppendix a ORP Configuration Quick Startup ORPTable A-1. ORP Settings List Item Choices ORP Settings User SettingsChoices ORP Settings User Settings Diagnostics SectionOutput setpoints Simulated testsStandardize 400 mV ORP CalibrationReturn of Materials Request Sensor or Circuit Board onlyWarranty Return of MaterialSpecifications subject to change without notice