MODEL 54e pH/ORP | SECTION 4.0 |
Hold Mode: Off
Exit | Cont | Edit |
Standardize pH Adjust temperature Temp compensation
This procedure is used to ensure an accurate temperature measurement by the temperature sensor. It enables the controller to display process temperature accurately as well as to compensate for the effect of tem- perature on the pH reading when the temperature in your process changes. The following steps should be performed with the sensor in the process or in a grab sample near the operating temperature.
1.Check the controller temperature reading (main display) to make sure the sensor has acclimated to the process temperature. Compare the controller temperature to a calibrated temperature reading device. Proceed to the next step if the reading requires adjustment.
2.From the main display, press any key and then press Enter (F4) to access the Calibrate menu.
The hold mode screen (top left) will appear if the hold mode was enabled in Section 5.6. Activate hold mode by pressing Edit (F4), using the arrow key to change Off to On, and then pressing Save(F4). The hold mode holds the outputs and relays in a fixed state to avoid process upsets to a control system. The message "Hold Mode Activated" will always be displayed when the con- troller is in hold. To leave the hold mode in it's current state, press Cont(F3).
Press the arrow key twice to bring up the screen to the left and then press Enter (F4).
(To verify that the controller is using automatic temperature com- pensation, highlight the "Temp compensation" menu item and press Enter (F4). For more details, see Section 4.5)
25.1 °C
Adjust temp: 25.1 °C
25.1 °C
Adjust temp: +025.1 °C
Esc Save
3.Press Edit (F4) with this display shown to adjust the temperature. The screen below will then appear. Using the arrow keys, input the cor- rect temperature value and press Save (F4). The controller will enter the value into memory. To abort the change, press Esc (F3). Afterwards, to continue with buffer calibration, go to Section 4.2 or 4.3, otherwise press Exit (F1) three times for the main display.
If hold mode was turned ON, be certain to install the sensor back in the process and change the setting to OFF to resume normal operation before leaving the controller. The screen on the top left will appear again before the main display is shown. Follow the same routine as in the Note for step 2 to turn the Hold Mode Off and then press Exit (F1).