Understanding Submaximal Exercise Testing
Before using the StairMaster® FreeClimber® for submaximal exercise testing, it should be noted that all submaximal fitness tests make several assumptions:
•That a
•That a linear relationship exists between heart rate, oxygen uptake and workload.
•That the maximal heart rate for a given age is uniform.
•That the mechanical efficiency of the physical activity performed (i.e., oxygen uptake at a given workload) is the same for everyone.
It should be kept in mind that any one or all of the above mentioned assumptions may not be met during a submaximal exercise test. If for any reason one of the assumptions is not met, then errors in predicting VO2 max will occur.
Unfortunately, it is often quite difficult to meet all of the requirements for the four listed assumptions. For example, exercising at a given workload for only a few minutes can involve an insufficient amount of time for many indi- viduals to achieve a true
It is also important that the submaximal heart rates obtained be between 115 and 150 beats per minute, because it is within this heart rate range that a linear relationship tends to exist between heart rate and oxygen uptake or workload for most adults. When the heart rate is less than 115, many external factors (e.g., talking, laughing, apprehension, etc.) can greatly influence heart rate. Once the heart rate reaches a level between 115 and
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