varies irregularly. This profile is suitable for all fitness levels. With default setting, max. watt value is 182, average watt value is 120.
PROFILE P4. Uphill effort profile for the improvement of endurance fitness. Peaks are relatively longlasting, increasing in intensity until the closing phase of the profile. This profile is specifically suitable for the physically fit. With default setting, max. watt value is 210, average watt value is 133.
PROFILE P6. Uphill heart rate profile where the heart rate increases steadily until the midpoint of the profile, steadily decreasing thereafter. This profile is suitable for beginners. With default setting, max. HR value is 157, average HR is 126.
O W N E R ' S M A N U A L • E 6 0 R G B
1.Press PROGRAMS after the console has been switched on or after pressing RESET.
2.Select desired the program
3.The TIME display will start to flash. Choose the desired duration of workout by using the arrow keys
20minutes). Press ENTER. The equipment uses this value to calculate the duration of the different effort levels during the program.
4.Enter your weight by using the arrow keys (default value 70 kg in the DISTANCE window). The display reads KG. Press ENTER.
5.Begin your workout. If the set effort / heart rate value seems too strenuous or easy, change the value by using the arrow keys. The display shows the present effort / heart rate level.
The TARGET HR program enables training at the requested pulse level. The program requires measurement of heart rate.
1.Select the TARGET HR program by pressing TARGET HR after the console has been switched on or after pressing RESET.
2. The HR display will start to flash. Set the desired heart rate value (default 110 bpm) by using the arrow keys. Press ENTER. NOTE! The preset value can be changed during the training.
3. The TIME display will start to flash. Choose the desired duration of workout by using the arrow