rate. The percentages are converted into heart rate beats per minute.
MEASURE: Heart rate measurement mode, stopwatch is off.
OPTIONS: Setting mode for user information, heart rate measurement options and watch functions.
OWNCAL: Calorie expenditure during exercise.
OWNINDEX: OwnIndex is a score which is comparable to VO2max. OwnIndex is a result of the Polar Fitness Test™ and can be measured with Polar M51 and M52 Heart Rate Monitors.
OWNZONE, OZ.: Target zone which Polar Heart Rate Monitor determines for you. OwnZone is an individual guide for light to moderate exercise intensity.
OZ Indicates OwnZone determination procedure. OZ.A: Indicates OwnZone limits which are determined according to your age.
OZ.L: Your latest OwnZone limits.
OZ.V: Indicates currently measured OwnZone limits which are based on your heart rate variability.
SEX: Indicates the sex (Male or Female) in User settings.
Target zone, TZ: The area between the upper and lower target zone limits. Can be defined automatically by Polar Heart Rate Monitor or manually by yourself.
TIME: Indicates the time of day in the watch settings.
Time of day mode: Display showing time of day.
Tot. KCAL: Cumulative total calorie expenditure of your exercise.
Tot. TIME: Cumulative total exercise time of your exercise sessions.
USER SET: Indicates the setting loop for your personal information.