Hotpoint ARXXL105 manual Precautions and tips, General safety, Disposal

Page 9

Precautions and tips

￿This washing machine was designed and constructed in accordance with international safety regulations. The following information is provided for safety reasons and must therefore be read carefully.

General safety

This appliance was designed for domestic use only.

The washing machine must only be used by adults, in accordance with the instructions provided in this manual.

Do not touch the machine when barefoot or with wet or damp hands or feet.

Do not pull on the power supply cable when unplugging the appliance from the electricity socket. Hold the plug and pull.

Do not open the detergent dispenser drawer while the machine is in operation.

Do not touch the drained water as it may reach extremely high temperatures.

Never force the porthole door. This could damage the safety lock mechanism designed to prevent accidental opening.

If the appliance breaks down, do not under any circumstances access the internal mechanisms in an attempt to repair it yourself.

Always keep children well away from the appliance while it is operating.

The door can become quite hot during the wash cycle.

If the appliance has to be moved, work in a group of two or three people and handle it with the utmost care. Never try to do this alone, because the appliance is very heavy.

Before loading laundry into the washing machine, make sure the drum is empty.


Disposing of the packaging materials: observe local regulations so that the packaging may be re-used.

The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, requires that old household electrical appliances must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimise the recovery and recycling of the materials they contain and reduce the impact on human health and the environment. The crossed out "wheeled bin" symbol on the product reminds you of your obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance it must be separately collected.

Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct disposal of their old appliance.

Opening the porthole door manually


In the event that it is not possible to open the porthole door due to a powercut, and if you wish to remove the laundry, proceed as follows:

1. remove the plug from the electrical socket.

2. make sure the water level inside the machine is lower than the door opening; if it is not, remove excess water using the drain hose, collecting it in a bucket as indicated in the figure.

3.using a screwdriver, remove the cover panel on the lower front part of the

washing machine (see figure).

4.pull outwards using the tab as indicated in the figure, until the plastic tie-rod is freed from its stop position; pull downwards and open the door at the same time.

5.reposition the panel, making sure the hooks are securely in place before you push it onto the appliance.


Image 9
Contents Washing Machine Instructions for useInstallation Connecting the electricity and water suppliesUnpacking and levelling First wash cycle Technical dataControl panel Description of the washing machine and starting a wash cycleStarting a wash cycle Indicator lightsTable of wash cycles Wash cyclesSetting the spin speed Setting the temperaturePersonalisation FunctionsDetergents and laundry General safety Precautions and tipsDisposal Opening the porthole door manuallyCare and maintenance Problem Possible causes / Solutions TroubleshootingService Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ÅãêáôÜóôáóç Áðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæïíôßùóçÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóåéò Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßá Ðñþôïò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïòÐßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõ ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõ êáé åêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïòÅêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïò ÅíäåéêôéêÜ öùôÜêéáÐßíáêáò ôùí ÐñïãñáììÜôùí ÐñïãñÜììáôáÈÝóôå ôç èåñìïêñáóßá ÅîáôïìéêåýóåéòÈÝóôå ôï óôýøéìï ËåéôïõñãßåòÁðïññõðáíôéêÜ êáé ìðïõãÜäá ÃåíéêÞ áóöÜëåéá ÐñïöõëÜîåéò êáé óõìâïõëÝò×åéñïíáêôéêü Üíïéãìá ôçò ðüñôáò ÄéÜèåóçÓõíôÞñçóç êáé öñïíôßäá Áíùìáëßåò ÄõíáôÜ áßôéá / Ëýóç Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéòÕðïóôÞñéîç Instrucþiuni de folosire Instalare Despachetare ºi punere la nivelRacorduri hidraulice ºi electrice Date tehnice Primul ciclu de spãlarePanoul de control Descrierea maºinii de spãlat ºi activarea unui programActivarea unui program Indicatoare luminoaseTabel de programe ProgrameReglarea temperaturii PersonalizareReglarea centrifugãrii FuncþiiDetergenþi ºi rufe albe Norme de protecþie ºi siguranþã generale Precauþii ºi sfaturiAruncarea reziduurilor Deschiderea manualã a uºiiÎntreþinere ºi curãþare Anomalii Cauze posibile / Rezolvare Anomalii ºi remediiAsistenþã Manual de instrucciones Instalación Desembalaje y nivelaciónConexiones hidráulicas y eléctricas Datos técnicos Primer ciclo de lavadoPanel de control Descripción de la lavadora y comienzo de un programaPoner en marcha un programa PilotosTabla de programas ProgramasSeleccionar la temperatura PersonalizacionesSeleccionar el centrifugado FuncionesDetergentes y ropa Seguridad general Precauciones y consejosEliminaciones Apertura manual de la puertaMantenimiento y cuidados Anomalías y soluciones AnomalíasPosibles causas / Solución Asistencia Instruções para utilização Instalação Desembalar e nivelarLigações hidráulicas e eléctricas Dados técnicos Primeiro ciclo de lavagemFunções Painel de comandosIniciar um programa Indicadores luminososProgramas especiais Tabela dos programasSeleccione a temperatura PersonalizaçõesSeleccione a centrifugação FunçõesDetergentes e roupa Abertura manual da porta de vidro Precauções e conselhosSegurança geral EliminaçãoManutenção e cuidados Anomalias Possíveis causas / Solução Anomalias e soluções195066487.00 Assistência