Hotpoint ARXXL105 manual Troubleshooting, Problem Possible causes / Solutions

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Your washing machine could fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre (see “Assistance”),

make sure that the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list.




Possible causes / Solutions:


The washing machine does not switch on.

The wash cycle does not start.

The appliance is not plugged into the socket fully, or is not making contact.

There is no power in the house.

The washing machine door is not closed properly.

The ON/OFF button has not been pressed.

The START/PAUSE button has not been pressed.

The water tap has not been opened.

A delayed start has been set (see “Personalisation”).

The washing machine does not take in water (the indicator light for the first wash cycle stage flashes rapidly).

The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap.

The hose is bent.

The water tap has not been opened.

There is no water supply in the house.

The pressure is too low.

The START/PAUSE button has not been pressed.

The washing machine continuously takes in and drains water.

The drain hose is not fitted at a height between 65 and 100 cm from the floor (see “Installation”).

The free end of the hose is under water (see “Installation”).

The wall drainage system is not fitted with a breather pipe.

If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap, switch the appliance off and contact the Assistance Service. If the dwelling is on one of the upper floors of a building, there may be problems relating to water drainage, causing the washing machine to fill with water and drain continuously. Special anti-draining valves are available in shops and help to avoid this inconvenience.

The washing machine does not drain or spin.

The wash cycle does not include draining: some wash cycles require the drain phase to be started manually.

The EASY IRON function has been activated: To complete the wash cycle, press the START/PAUSE button (“Personalisation”).

The drain hose is bent (see “Installation”).

The drainage duct is clogged.

The washing machine vibrates a • The drum was not unlocked correctly during installation (see “Installation”).

lot during the spin cycle. • The washing machine is not level (see “Installation”).

• The washing machine is trapped between cabinets and walls (see “Installation”).

The washing machine leaks. • The water inlet hose is not screwed on properly (see “Installation”).

The detergent dispenser drawer is blocked (for cleaning instructions, see “Care and maintenance”).

The drain hose is not fixed properly (see “Installation”).

The START/PAUSE indicator light (orange) and the function indicator lights flash rapidly.

There is too much foam.

Switch off the machine and unplug it, wait for approximately 1 minute and then switch it back on again.

If the problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Service.

The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should display the text “for washing machines” or “hand and machine wash”, or the like).

Too much detergent was used.


Image 11
Contents Washing Machine Instructions for useUnpacking and levelling InstallationConnecting the electricity and water supplies First wash cycle Technical dataControl panel Description of the washing machine and starting a wash cycleStarting a wash cycle Indicator lightsTable of wash cycles Wash cyclesFunctions Setting the temperatureSetting the spin speed PersonalisationDetergents and laundry Opening the porthole door manually Precautions and tipsGeneral safety DisposalCare and maintenance Problem Possible causes / Solutions TroubleshootingService Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóåéò ÅãêáôÜóôáóçÁðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæïíôßùóç Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßá Ðñþôïò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïòÐßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõ ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõ êáé åêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïòÅêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïò ÅíäåéêôéêÜ öùôÜêéáÐßíáêáò ôùí ÐñïãñáììÜôùí ÐñïãñÜììáôáËåéôïõñãßåò ÅîáôïìéêåýóåéòÈÝóôå ôç èåñìïêñáóßá ÈÝóôå ôï óôýøéìïÁðïññõðáíôéêÜ êáé ìðïõãÜäá ÄéÜèåóç ÐñïöõëÜîåéò êáé óõìâïõëÝòÃåíéêÞ áóöÜëåéá ×åéñïíáêôéêü Üíïéãìá ôçò ðüñôáòÓõíôÞñçóç êáé öñïíôßäá Áíùìáëßåò ÄõíáôÜ áßôéá / Ëýóç Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéòÕðïóôÞñéîç Instrucþiuni de folosire Racorduri hidraulice ºi electrice InstalareDespachetare ºi punere la nivel Date tehnice Primul ciclu de spãlarePanoul de control Descrierea maºinii de spãlat ºi activarea unui programActivarea unui program Indicatoare luminoaseTabel de programe ProgrameFuncþii PersonalizareReglarea temperaturii Reglarea centrifugãriiDetergenþi ºi rufe albe Deschiderea manualã a uºii Precauþii ºi sfaturiNorme de protecþie ºi siguranþã generale Aruncarea reziduurilorÎntreþinere ºi curãþare Anomalii Cauze posibile / Rezolvare Anomalii ºi remediiAsistenþã Manual de instrucciones Conexiones hidráulicas y eléctricas InstalaciónDesembalaje y nivelación Datos técnicos Primer ciclo de lavadoPanel de control Descripción de la lavadora y comienzo de un programaPoner en marcha un programa PilotosTabla de programas ProgramasFunciones PersonalizacionesSeleccionar la temperatura Seleccionar el centrifugadoDetergentes y ropa Apertura manual de la puerta Precauciones y consejosSeguridad general EliminacionesMantenimiento y cuidados Posibles causas / Solución Anomalías y solucionesAnomalías Asistencia Instruções para utilização Ligações hidráulicas e eléctricas InstalaçãoDesembalar e nivelar Dados técnicos Primeiro ciclo de lavagemFunções Painel de comandosIniciar um programa Indicadores luminososProgramas especiais Tabela dos programasFunções PersonalizaçõesSeleccione a temperatura Seleccione a centrifugaçãoDetergentes e roupa Eliminação Precauções e conselhosAbertura manual da porta de vidro Segurança geralManutenção e cuidados Anomalias Possíveis causas / Solução Anomalias e soluções195066487.00 Assistência