Hotpoint ARXXL105 manual Detergents and laundry

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Detergents and laundry

Detergent dispenser drawer


Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent will not necessarily result in a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the inside of your appliance and contribute to environmental pollution.

How much does your laundry weigh?

1sheet 400-500 g

1pillow case 150-200 g

1tablecloth 400-500 g

1bathrobe 900-1200 g

1towel 150-250 g

￿Do not use hand washing detergents because these create too much foam.

Garments requiring special care





Open the detergent dispenser drawer and pour in the detergent or washing additive, as follows.

Shirts: use special wash cycle 9 to wash shirts in various fabrics and colours.

It guarantees maximum care is taken of the garments and minimises the formation of creases.

Silk: use special wash cycle 10 to wash all silk garments. We recommend the use of special detergent which has been designed to wash delicate clothes.

Curtains: these should be folded and placed inside the bag provided. Use wash cycle 10.

Wool: Hotpoint/Ariston is the only washing machine

compartment 1: Pre-wash detergent (powder) Before pouring in the detergent, make sure that extra compartment 4 has been removed. compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle (powder or liquid)

Liquid detergent should only be poured in immediately prior to the start of the wash cycle. compartment 3: Additives (fabric softeners, etc.) The fabric softener should not overflow the grid. extra compartment 4: Bleach

Bleach cycle

Bleaching may only be performed in conjunction with wash cycles 1, 2, 6.

Pour the bleach into extra compartment 4; pour the detergent and softener into the corresponding compartments, then select one of the abovementioned wash cycles.

This option is recommended only for very soiled cotton garments.

Preparing the laundry

Divide the laundry according to:

-the type of fabric/the symbol on the label

-the colours: separate coloured garments from whites.

Empty all garment pockets and check the buttons.

Do not exceed the listed values, which refer to the weight of the laundry when dry:

Durable fabrics: max. 7 kg

Synthetic fabrics: max. 3 kg

Delicate fabrics: max. 2 kg

Wool: max. 1.5 kg

manufacturer to have been awarded the prestigious Woolmark Platinum Care endorsement (M.0508) by the Woolmark Company, which means that all woollen garments may be washed in the washing machine, even those which state “hand wash only” on the label. Wash cycle 11 therefore offers complete peace of mind when washing woollen garments in the washing machine (max. load 1.5 kg) and guarantees optimal performance.

Load balancing system

Before every spin cycle, to avoid excessive vibrations and to distribute the load in a uniform manner, the drum rotates continuously at a speed which is slightly greater than the washing rotation speed. If, after several at- tempts, the load is not balanced correctly, the machine spins at a reduced spin speed. If the load is excessively unbalanced, the washing machine performs the distri- bution process instead of spinning. To encourage im- proved load distribution and balance, we recommend small and large garments are mixed in the load.


Image 8
Contents Instructions for use Washing MachineUnpacking and levelling InstallationConnecting the electricity and water supplies Technical data First wash cycleDescription of the washing machine and starting a wash cycle Control panelIndicator lights Starting a wash cycleWash cycles Table of wash cyclesSetting the temperature Setting the spin speedPersonalisation FunctionsDetergents and laundry Precautions and tips General safetyDisposal Opening the porthole door manuallyCare and maintenance Troubleshooting Problem Possible causes / SolutionsService Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóåéò ÅãêáôÜóôáóçÁðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæïíôßùóç Ðñþôïò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïò Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßáÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõ êáé åêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïò Ðßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõÅíäåéêôéêÜ öùôÜêéá Åêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïòÐñïãñÜììáôá Ðßíáêáò ôùí ÐñïãñáììÜôùíÅîáôïìéêåýóåéò ÈÝóôå ôç èåñìïêñáóßáÈÝóôå ôï óôýøéìï ËåéôïõñãßåòÁðïññõðáíôéêÜ êáé ìðïõãÜäá ÐñïöõëÜîåéò êáé óõìâïõëÝò ÃåíéêÞ áóöÜëåéá×åéñïíáêôéêü Üíïéãìá ôçò ðüñôáò ÄéÜèåóçÓõíôÞñçóç êáé öñïíôßäá Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéò Áíùìáëßåò ÄõíáôÜ áßôéá / ËýóçÕðïóôÞñéîç Instrucþiuni de folosire Racorduri hidraulice ºi electrice InstalareDespachetare ºi punere la nivel Primul ciclu de spãlare Date tehniceDescrierea maºinii de spãlat ºi activarea unui program Panoul de controlIndicatoare luminoase Activarea unui programPrograme Tabel de programePersonalizare Reglarea temperaturiiReglarea centrifugãrii FuncþiiDetergenþi ºi rufe albe Precauþii ºi sfaturi Norme de protecþie ºi siguranþã generaleAruncarea reziduurilor Deschiderea manualã a uºiiÎntreþinere ºi curãþare Anomalii ºi remedii Anomalii Cauze posibile / RezolvareAsistenþã Manual de instrucciones Conexiones hidráulicas y eléctricas InstalaciónDesembalaje y nivelación Primer ciclo de lavado Datos técnicosDescripción de la lavadora y comienzo de un programa Panel de controlPilotos Poner en marcha un programaProgramas Tabla de programasPersonalizaciones Seleccionar la temperaturaSeleccionar el centrifugado FuncionesDetergentes y ropa Precauciones y consejos Seguridad generalEliminaciones Apertura manual de la puertaMantenimiento y cuidados Posibles causas / Solución Anomalías y solucionesAnomalías Asistencia Instruções para utilização Ligações hidráulicas e eléctricas InstalaçãoDesembalar e nivelar Primeiro ciclo de lavagem Dados técnicosPainel de comandos FunçõesIndicadores luminosos Iniciar um programaTabela dos programas Programas especiaisPersonalizações Seleccione a temperaturaSeleccione a centrifugação FunçõesDetergentes e roupa Precauções e conselhos Abertura manual da porta de vidroSegurança geral EliminaçãoManutenção e cuidados Anomalias e soluções Anomalias Possíveis causas / SoluçãoAssistência 195066487.00