LG Electronics D2702V, D2702W manual Before Calling for SERvICE, Problem Possible Causes Solutions

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Your dryer is equipped with an automatic error-monitoring system to detect and diagnose problems at an early stage. If your dryer does not function properly or does not function at all, check the following before you call for service.


Possible Causes





Dryer will not

• Power cord is not properly

• Make sure that the plug is plugged securely into a

turn on


plugged in.


grounded outlet matching the dryer’s rating plate.


• house fuse is blown, circuit

• Reset circuit breaker or replace fuse. Do not increase



breaker has tripped, or


fuse capacity. If the problem is a circuit overload,



power outage has occurred.


have it corrected by a qualifi ed electrician.




Dryer does not heat

• house fuse is blown, circuit

• Reset circuit breaker or replace fuse. Do not



breaker has tripped, or


increase fuse capacity. If the problem is a



power outage has occurred.


circuit overload, have it corrected by a qualifi ed







• Gas supply or service turned

• Confi rm that the house gas shutoff and the dryer



off (gas models only).


gas shutoff are both fully open.




Greasy or dirty spots

• Fabric softener used

• Confi rm and follow the instructions provided with

on clothes




your fabric softener.


• Clean and dirty clothes being

• Make sure to use your dryer to dry only clean



dried together.


items, because dirty items can soil clean clothes





placed in the same or subsequent loads.


• Clean and dirty clothes being

• Stains on dried clothes are actually stains that



dried together.


weren’t removed during the washing process.





Make sure that clothes are being completely





cleaned according to the instructions for your





washer and detergent.






Display shows error

Thermistor is malfunctioning.

Turn off the dryer and call for service.

code tE1 or tE2










Lint on clothes

Lint fi lter not cleaned

Make sure the lint fi lter is cleaned before every





load. With some loads that produce high amounts





of lint, it may be necessary to clean the fi lter





during the cycle.


• Laundry not sorted properly.

• Some fabrics are lint producers (i.e., a fuzzy white





cotton towel) and should be dried separately from





clothes that are lint trappers (i.e., a pair of black





linen pants).


• Excess static in clothes.

• See the Excess static in clothes after drying





section below.


• Dryer is overloaded.

• Divide larger loads into smaller loads for drying.


• Tissue, paper, etc., left

• Check pockets thoroughly before washing and



in pockets.


drying clothes.






Excess static in

Fabric softener not used or

Use a fabric softener to reduce static electricity.

clothes after drying


used incorrectly.


Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


• Clothes dried too long

• Overdrying a load of laundry can cause a buildup





of static electricity. Adjust settings and use a





shorter drying time, or use SENSOR DRY cycles.


• Drying synthetics, permanent

• These materials can cause static buildup. Try



press, or synthetic blends.


using a fabric softener.







Image 34
Contents DLE2701W DLG2702W DLE2701V DLG2702V LgcanadaInstallation Instructions Important Safety InstructionsBasic Safety Precautions Read ALL Instructions Before USEWhat to do if YOU Smell GAS California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement ACTSafety Instructions for Installation Grounding InstructionsSafety Instructions for Installation Safety Instructions for Connecting Electricity Flow Sense Duct Blockage Sensing System Indicator Special FeaturesEASY-ACCESS REvERSIBLE Door EASY-TO-USE Control PanelFRONT-MOUNT Lint Filter Rear of Dryer Included AccessoriesKEY Parts and Components Leveling FeetChoose the Proper Location ClearancesOptional Accessories Installation with Optional Pedestal Base or Stacking KITPedestal sold separately Stacking Kit sold separately LEvELING the Dryer WWARNING REvERSING the Door SwingOption 1 Side Venting Option 2 Bottom VentingVENTING the Dryer Correct Venting Routing and Connecting DuctworkDuctwork Incorrect VentingElectrical Requirements for Gas Models Only Connecting GAS DryersSupply line requirements High-Altitude Installations ConnecTING GAS DryersConnecting the Gas Supply Electrical ConnectionConnecting Electric Dryers Electrical Requirements for Electric Models OnlyConnecting Electric Dryers Four-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Power CordFour-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Direct Wire Use UL-listed4-wire #10 AWG-minimum copper conductor cableThree-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Power Cord Three-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Direct Wire Use UL-listed3-wire #10 AWG-minimum copper conductor cableSpecial Requirements for Manufactured or Mobile Homes Final Installation CheckTesting Dryer Heating Checking AirflowTo activate the flow check Duct condition test Correct Venting Restricted or Blocked AirflowCheck the Lint Filter Before Every Load Sorting LoadsLoading the Dryer Fabric Care LabelsControl Panel Features Cycle Guide Sensor Dry Cycles Manual Dry CyclesCycle Guide Cycle Completion Indicator with Check Filter ReminderChild Lock Indicator DisplayOperating the Dryer Cycle Setting Buttons DRY LEvELCycle Option buttons To Install the Drying RackTo Add Cycle Options to a Cycle To Save a Custom Program Special FunctionsCustom Program To Recall a Custom ProgramCleaning the Interior Regular CleaningCleaning the Exterior Cleaning the Lint Filter Cleaning Around and Under the DryerBefore Calling for SERvICE Problem Possible Causes SolutionsFlow Sense Pedestal Color PedestalStacking Kit Stacking Kit ColorPedestal accessory includes Pedestal InstallationTools Needed for Installation Pedestal Installation Stacking KIT Installation This stacking kit includesStacking KIT Installation KEY Dimensions and SpecificationsProduct Registration Information LG ELECTRONICS, INC LG Dryer Limited Warranty Canada Page ¡GRACIAS LEA Todas LA Instrucciones Antes DE Usar Precauciones básicas de seguridadQUÉ Hacer SI Huele GAS Instrucciones DE Conexión a Tierra Instrucciones importante para la instalaciónSe colapsan o bloquean durante el uso o la instalación Guarde Estas Instrucciones Instrucciones importante para Conectar LA ElectricidadPuerTa reverSible de Fácil acceSo CaracTerÍSTicaS eSPecialeSPanel de conTrol Fácil Para uSar Tambor de acero inoXidable de CaPacidad SuPerior iluminadoPatas niveladoras Piezas Y Componentes ClaveFiltro DE Pelusa Montado AL Frente Estante de secadoEScoJa el lugar adecuado ESPacioS de inSTalaciÓnAccesorios Opcionales Dimensiones requeridas para La instalación con pedestalKit de apilado NivelaciÓn de la Secadora WADVERTENCIA CÓmo inverTir el SenTido de la PuerTaOpción 1 Ventilación lateral Opción 2 Ventilación inferiorConeXiÓn del conducTo de venTilaciÓn de la Secadora Correcta Sistema de conductoIncorrecta ConeXiÓn de SecadoraS a gaS Requisitos eléctricos para modelos a gas únicamenteConexión eléctrica Conexión del suministro de gasInstalaciones en lugares de gran altitud CÓmo conecTar laS SecadoraS elÉcTricaS Requisitos eléctricos únicamente para modelos eléctricosWADVERTENCIA SÓlo ee.uu WADVERTENCIA 5 cm Revisión del flujo de aire Revisión DE Instalación FinalComprobación del calentamiento de la secadora Revisión del niveladoPara activar el ciclo de evaluación del estado del conducto Ventilación Correcta Flujo de Aire Restringido o BloqueadoRevise EL Filtro DE Pelusa Antes DE Cada USO Clasificación DE CargasCómo Cargar la secadora Etiquetas de mantenimiento de las telasCaracterísticas DEL Panel DE Control Ciclos de Secado CON Sensor Sensor DRY Guía DE CiclosCiclos de Secado Manual Manual DRY GuÍa de cicloS La PanTallaFuncionamiento DE LA Secadora Nivel de Secado drY level Alarma beePerBoToneS de aJuSTe de cicloS ConTrol del TemPeraTura TemP. conTrolPara añadir opciones de ciclo al ciclo Botones DE Opción DE CicloPara instalar el estante de secado Para guardar un programa personalizado FuncioneS eSPecialeS Programa PerSonaliZadoCerradura a Prueba de niÑoS cHild locK Para recuperar un programa personalizadoLimpieza del interior Limpieza RegularLimpieza del exterior Limpieza del filtro de pelusa Limpieza alrededor y debajo de la secadoraProblema Causas posibles Soluciones AnTeS de llamar a manTenimienToEl tiempo de Kit de Apilado Color El accesorio de pedestal incluye Instalación del pedestalHerramientas necesarias para la instalación Cómo usar las almohadillas Para PisoInstalación DEL KIT DE Apilado DimenSioneS Y eSPeciFicacioneS clave InSTalaciÓn del KiT de aPiladoInformación de registro del producto Information relative à l’enregistrement du produit Modèle Numéro de série Date d’achatLisez Toutes LES Directives Avant D’UTILISER L’APPAREIL Précautions de sécurité de baseCE QU’IL Faut Faire SI Vous Détectez UNE Odeur DE GAZ Précautions de sécurité Pour L’INSTALLATION Instructions DE Mise À LA TerrePrécautions de sécurité pour L’instaLLation suite Conservez CES Directives CaractéristiQues spéciaLes Panneau de coMMande conViViaLPorte réVersibLe À accÈs FaciLe Filtre À Charpie EN Façade Dos de la sécheuse Accessoires comprisComposantes ET Pièces Principales Pieds de nivellementCHoisir Le bon eMpLaceMent DéGaGeMentsAccessoires EN Option Piédestal Trousse d’empilage Vendu séparémentMise À niVeau de La sécHeuse waVertisseMent InVersion de L’osciLLation de La porteOption 1 Sortie d’air latérale WAVERTISSEMENTOption 2 Sortie d’air inférieure VentiLation de La sécHeuse Système d’évacuation d’air Ventilation DE LA Sécheuse suiteAcheminement et raccord du système d’évacuation d’air RaccordeMent des sécHeuses À Gaz Raccordement de l’alimentation en gaz Installations en haute altitudeRaccordement des sécheuses à gaz suite Branchement électriqueUne connexion à 4 fils est exigée pour Toutes installations dans les maisonsRaccordeMent des sécHeuses éLectriQues Mobiles ou préfabriquées de même queVérification du débit d’air Vérification Finale DE L’INSTALLATIONEssai du module de chauffage de la sécheuse Vérification du niveauÉVaLuation de L’état du conduit d’éVacuation Circulation d’air correcte Circulation d’air bloquéeVérification DU Filtre À Charpie Avant Tout LA Brassée Triage DES BrasséesChargement de la sécheuse Étiquettes d’entretien des tissusCaractéristiques DU Panneau DE Commande Guide DE Cycle De tissuGuide de cYcLe suite AFFicHeurFonctionnement DE LA Sécheuse Bouton teMp. controL contrôle de la température Boutons de réGLaGe du cYcLeBouton drY LeVeL niveau de séchage Bouton tiMe drY séchage programméBouton DE Options DE Cycle CHiLd LocK verrouillage pour enfants Fonctions spéciaLes Autres FonctionsCustoM proGraM programmation personnalisée Sauvegarde d’un programme personnaliséNettoyage Régulier AVant d’appeLer Le serVice Problèmes Causes possibles SolutionsAvant D’APPELER LE Service suite Problème Causes possibles SolutionsPiédestal De 14 po Couleur Piédestal Trousse d’empilageTrousse De support Couleur Le piédestal accessoire comprend Installation du piédestalOutils requis pour l’installation InstaLLation du piédestaL suite Installation de la trousse d’empilage La trousse d’empilage comprendInstallation DE LA Trousse D’EMPILAGE suite Spécifications ET Dimensions Principales119