LG Electronics D2702V Sorting Loads, Loading the Dryer, Check the Lint Filter Before Every Load

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Following are instructions for starting and using your new dryer. Please refer to specific sections of this manual for more detailed information. Important Warning: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read this entire manual, including the Important Safety Instructions, before operating this dryer.


Fabric Care Labels

Most articles of clothing feature fabric care labels that include instructions for proper care.

Grouping Similar Items

For best results, sort clothes into loads that can be dried with the same drying cycle.

Different fabrics have different care requirements, and some fabrics will dry more quickly than others.

Fabric Care Labels

Tumble dry



Permanent Press/



wrinkle resistant



Do not tumble dry

Do not dry


(used with





do not wash)
















No heat/air

Loading the Dryer

wWARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using this appliance, follow basic precautions, including the following:

Check all pockets to make sure that they are empty. Items such as clips, pens, coins, and keys can damage both your dryer and your clothes. Flammable objects such as lighters or matches could ignite, causing a fire. Failure to do so can result in fire, explosion,

or death.

Never dry clothes that have been exposed to oil, gasoline, or other flammable substances. Washing clothes will not completely remove oil residues. Failure to obey this warning can result in fire, explosion, or death.

Combine large and small items in a load.

Damp clothes will expand as they dry. Do not overload the dryer; clothes require room to tumble dry properly.

Close zippers, hooks, and drawstrings to prevent these items from snagging or tangling on other clothes.


Always make sure the lint filter is clean before starting a new load; a clogged lint filter will increase drying times.

To clean, pull the lint filter straight up and roll any

lint off the filter with your fingers. Do not rinse or Lint Filter wash the filter to remove lint. Push the lint filter

firmly back into place. See “Care and Cleaning” for more information.

Always ensure the lint filter is properly installed before running the dryer. Running the dryer with a loose or missing lint filter may damage the dryer and articles in the dryer.


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Contents Lgcanada DLE2701W DLG2702W DLE2701V DLG2702VImportant Safety Instructions Installation InstructionsRead ALL Instructions Before USE Basic Safety PrecautionsCalifornia Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement ACT What to do if YOU Smell GASGrounding Instructions Safety Instructions for InstallationSafety Instructions for Installation Safety Instructions for Connecting Electricity EASY-ACCESS REvERSIBLE Door Special FeaturesFlow Sense Duct Blockage Sensing System Indicator EASY-TO-USE Control PanelKEY Parts and Components Rear of Dryer Included AccessoriesFRONT-MOUNT Lint Filter Leveling FeetClearances Choose the Proper LocationOptional Accessories Installation with Optional Pedestal Base or Stacking KITPedestal sold separately Stacking Kit sold separately REvERSING the Door Swing LEvELING the Dryer WWARNINGOption 2 Bottom Venting Option 1 Side VentingVENTING the Dryer Ductwork Routing and Connecting DuctworkCorrect Venting Incorrect VentingElectrical Requirements for Gas Models Only Connecting GAS DryersSupply line requirements Connecting the Gas Supply ConnecTING GAS DryersHigh-Altitude Installations Electrical ConnectionElectrical Requirements for Electric Models Only Connecting Electric DryersFour-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Power Cord Connecting Electric DryersUse UL-listed4-wire #10 AWG-minimum copper conductor cable Four-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Direct WireThree-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Power Cord Use UL-listed3-wire #10 AWG-minimum copper conductor cable Three-Wire Connection for Electric Dryers Direct WireTesting Dryer Heating Final Installation CheckSpecial Requirements for Manufactured or Mobile Homes Checking AirflowCorrect Venting Restricted or Blocked Airflow To activate the flow check Duct condition testLoading the Dryer Sorting LoadsCheck the Lint Filter Before Every Load Fabric Care LabelsControl Panel Features Sensor Dry Cycles Manual Dry Cycles Cycle GuideChild Lock Indicator Cycle Completion Indicator with Check Filter ReminderCycle Guide DisplayOperating the Dryer DRY LEvEL Cycle Setting ButtonsCycle Option buttons To Install the Drying RackTo Add Cycle Options to a Cycle Custom Program Special FunctionsTo Save a Custom Program To Recall a Custom ProgramCleaning the Exterior Cleaning the Lint Filter Regular CleaningCleaning the Interior Cleaning Around and Under the DryerProblem Possible Causes Solutions Before Calling for SERvICEFlow Sense Stacking Kit PedestalPedestal Color Stacking Kit ColorPedestal accessory includes Pedestal InstallationTools Needed for Installation Pedestal Installation This stacking kit includes Stacking KIT InstallationKEY Dimensions and Specifications Stacking KIT InstallationProduct Registration Information LG ELECTRONICS, INC LG Dryer Limited Warranty Canada Page ¡GRACIAS Precauciones básicas de seguridad LEA Todas LA Instrucciones Antes DE UsarQUÉ Hacer SI Huele GAS Instrucciones importante para la instalación Instrucciones DE Conexión a TierraSe colapsan o bloquean durante el uso o la instalación Instrucciones importante para Conectar LA Electricidad Guarde Estas InstruccionesPanel de conTrol Fácil Para uSar CaracTerÍSTicaS eSPecialeSPuerTa reverSible de Fácil acceSo Tambor de acero inoXidable de CaPacidad SuPerior iluminadoFiltro DE Pelusa Montado AL Frente Piezas Y Componentes ClavePatas niveladoras Estante de secadoESPacioS de inSTalaciÓn EScoJa el lugar adecuadoAccesorios Opcionales Dimensiones requeridas para La instalación con pedestalKit de apilado CÓmo inverTir el SenTido de la PuerTa NivelaciÓn de la Secadora WADVERTENCIAOpción 2 Ventilación inferior Opción 1 Ventilación lateralConeXiÓn del conducTo de venTilaciÓn de la Secadora Correcta Sistema de conductoIncorrecta Requisitos eléctricos para modelos a gas únicamente ConeXiÓn de SecadoraS a gaSConexión eléctrica Conexión del suministro de gasInstalaciones en lugares de gran altitud Requisitos eléctricos únicamente para modelos eléctricos CÓmo conecTar laS SecadoraS elÉcTricaSWADVERTENCIA SÓlo ee.uu WADVERTENCIA 5 cm Comprobación del calentamiento de la secadora Revisión DE Instalación FinalRevisión del flujo de aire Revisión del niveladoVentilación Correcta Flujo de Aire Restringido o Bloqueado Para activar el ciclo de evaluación del estado del conductoCómo Cargar la secadora Clasificación DE CargasRevise EL Filtro DE Pelusa Antes DE Cada USO Etiquetas de mantenimiento de las telasCaracterísticas DEL Panel DE Control Ciclos de Secado CON Sensor Sensor DRY Guía DE CiclosCiclos de Secado Manual Manual DRY La PanTalla GuÍa de cicloSFuncionamiento DE LA Secadora BoToneS de aJuSTe de cicloS Alarma beePerNivel de Secado drY level ConTrol del TemPeraTura TemP. conTrolPara añadir opciones de ciclo al ciclo Botones DE Opción DE CicloPara instalar el estante de secado Cerradura a Prueba de niÑoS cHild locK FuncioneS eSPecialeS Programa PerSonaliZadoPara guardar un programa personalizado Para recuperar un programa personalizadoLimpieza del exterior Limpieza del filtro de pelusa Limpieza RegularLimpieza del interior Limpieza alrededor y debajo de la secadoraAnTeS de llamar a manTenimienTo Problema Causas posibles SolucionesEl tiempo de Kit de Apilado Color El accesorio de pedestal incluye Instalación del pedestalHerramientas necesarias para la instalación Para Piso Cómo usar las almohadillasInstalación DEL KIT DE Apilado InSTalaciÓn del KiT de aPilado DimenSioneS Y eSPeciFicacioneS claveInformación de registro del producto Modèle Numéro de série Date d’achat Information relative à l’enregistrement du produitPrécautions de sécurité de base Lisez Toutes LES Directives Avant D’UTILISER L’APPAREILCE QU’IL Faut Faire SI Vous Détectez UNE Odeur DE GAZ Instructions DE Mise À LA Terre Précautions de sécurité Pour L’INSTALLATIONPrécautions de sécurité pour L’instaLLation suite Conservez CES Directives CaractéristiQues spéciaLes Panneau de coMMande conViViaLPorte réVersibLe À accÈs FaciLe Composantes ET Pièces Principales Dos de la sécheuse Accessoires comprisFiltre À Charpie EN Façade Pieds de nivellementDéGaGeMents CHoisir Le bon eMpLaceMentPiédestal Trousse d’empilage Vendu séparément Accessoires EN OptionInVersion de L’osciLLation de La porte Mise À niVeau de La sécHeuse waVertisseMentOption 1 Sortie d’air latérale WAVERTISSEMENTOption 2 Sortie d’air inférieure VentiLation de La sécHeuse Système d’évacuation d’air Ventilation DE LA Sécheuse suiteAcheminement et raccord du système d’évacuation d’air RaccordeMent des sécHeuses À Gaz Raccordement des sécheuses à gaz suite Installations en haute altitudeRaccordement de l’alimentation en gaz Branchement électriqueRaccordeMent des sécHeuses éLectriQues Toutes installations dans les maisonsUne connexion à 4 fils est exigée pour Mobiles ou préfabriquées de même queEssai du module de chauffage de la sécheuse Vérification Finale DE L’INSTALLATIONVérification du débit d’air Vérification du niveauCirculation d’air correcte Circulation d’air bloquée ÉVaLuation de L’état du conduit d’éVacuationChargement de la sécheuse Triage DES BrasséesVérification DU Filtre À Charpie Avant Tout LA Brassée Étiquettes d’entretien des tissusCaractéristiques DU Panneau DE Commande De tissu Guide DE CycleAFFicHeur Guide de cYcLe suiteFonctionnement DE LA Sécheuse Bouton drY LeVeL niveau de séchage Boutons de réGLaGe du cYcLeBouton teMp. controL contrôle de la température Bouton tiMe drY séchage programméBouton DE Options DE Cycle CustoM proGraM programmation personnalisée Fonctions spéciaLes Autres FonctionsCHiLd LocK verrouillage pour enfants Sauvegarde d’un programme personnaliséNettoyage Régulier Problèmes Causes possibles Solutions AVant d’appeLer Le serViceProblème Causes possibles Solutions Avant D’APPELER LE Service suitePiédestal De 14 po Couleur Piédestal Trousse d’empilageTrousse De support Couleur Le piédestal accessoire comprend Installation du piédestalOutils requis pour l’installation InstaLLation du piédestaL suite La trousse d’empilage comprend Installation de la trousse d’empilageSpécifications ET Dimensions Principales Installation DE LA Trousse D’EMPILAGE suite119