6. Dryer
Full Heat Continuous Flow Operation
1.Refer to the DRYER
2.Make sure the UNLOAD switch is OFF.
3.Make sure the MOISTURE CONTROL switch is OFF.
4.If the dryer is stopped, press the dryer start switch to lock in the control circuit.
5.Turn the fan and burner switches to the “ON” position to run fans and burners. Be sure to adjust the plenum temperature to 180°F for all burners. Run the fans and burners for about 10% longer than the approximate dry time (from chart on Page 33) for the incoming moisture. Example: 10 pt. removal from the chart is 54 minutes, plus 5.4 minutes (10%) equals 59.4 minutes (round up to 60).
6.Increase the drying temperature to a maximum of 210°F (corn) for single fan dryers. For multiple fan dryers adjust the top burner to a maximum of 230°F (corn) and stage the temperature of the lower burners down 30° per burner. Example: 3 fan dryer Top burner: 230°, Middle burner: 200°, Bottom burner: 170°.
7.After the initial fan and burner run time, set the unload switch to “1 Speed” and set the high speed meter roll potentiometer to the setting for 1 Speed (see chart on Page 33). Meter rolls should start and grain will begin to flow from discharge of dryer. Run time for this step should be the same as from Step 5 above. DO NOT TO ADJUST THE DRYER DURING THIS PERIOD. The grain discharging towards the end of this period will be over dried, but it is necessary so that the corn moisture is staged properly and evenly in the dryer.
8.Turn the Moisture control switch to “ON”. Set the moisture control (grain) temperature to 100°F.
9.Turn the Unload switch to “2 Speed”. Find the “2 Speed High” and “2 Speed Low” meter roll settings (see chart on Page 33) and set meter roll potentiometers accordingly. Allow the dryer to run for the time established in Step 5 and then sample the grain. If the dryer has been cycling regularly from high to low and the grain is not coming out to moisture desired, then adjust the moisture control (grain) temperature up or down 5° per point of moisture. Example: Moisture control is set to 100°, desired moisture is 15%, sampled moisture is 17%. Adjust moisture control to 110°. EVERY TIME AN ADJUSTMENT IS MADE IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE DRYER IS ALLOWED TO RUN FOR THE ESTABLISHED TIME IN ORDER FOR CHANGES TO TAKE AFFECT. Repeat this process as necessary until desired moisture content is being discharged from dryer.
10.After the run time in Step 9, the moisture control and the meter roll speeds can be adjusted if required. Each time an adjustment to the moisture control is made, it will take approximately the time as shown in the example in Step 5 to see the results of this adjustment.