Appendix | BDS 3960 | |
access door, 16 | stability, 24 |
accuracy, 67 | BDS sensor output |
ActiveSync, 61 | output correction, 23 |
adding electrolyte, 39 | bipotentiostat. See BDS sensor |
adding water, 59 | block diagram, 26, 28 |
address, 68, See company address | bypass, 33, 70 |
Ag/Ag2O electrode, 19 | calibration, 49 |
air saturation, 22 | contact, 37 |
alarm, 51, 66 | relay contact, 38 |
concentration, 14, 16 | remote control, 36 |
failure, 14, 51 | calibration contact, 16 |
high, 36 | calibration gas |
low, 36 | connection, 25 |
relay, 35, 51 | carbon. See reticulated vitreous carbon |
relay contact pins, 36 | caution sign, iv |
resetting, 52 | cleaning, 62 |
system, 36 | combustible gas warning, xii |
threshold, 36 | company address. See company |
ALARMS, 14 | address |
amplifier saturation, 47 | configuring the analyzer, 42 |
analog to digital converter, 26 | copyright, ii |
Analyze button, 43 | counter electrode, 18 |
applications, 13 | current |
auto cal, 45 | background, 19 |
automatic span mode, 50 | signal, 19 |
autoranging, 14, 53 | current to voltage amplifier, 26 |
background gas, 23 | damage, 30 |
BDS sensor, 18, 66 | default, 53 |
acid gas exposure, 24 | default values, 42 |
advantage of, 20 | defeated (relay out), 35 |
cross section, 20 | |
current, 26 | detection limit, 19 |
damage, 32 | diffusion barrier, 19, 20 |
filling, 39 | digital input |
maintenance, 24 | span, 37 |
output, 21, 22, 23, 32 | zero, 37 |
Teledyne Analytical Instruments | 74 |