The Network Manager provides a single point of control and can configure devices by either bringing up clients running on the Network Manager or by logging into devices with the native access mode. The PI, BCU/CAL, and EDG are accessed in the native access mode. These devices do not have local editors. The Accounting: File Transfer (ftp) menu item may be used to move configuration files to the Network Manager for editing and then transferred back to the device.
The EDACS Configuration Menu presents configuration functions associated with the EDACS device represented by the icon. The following submenus are accessible from the Configuration menu.
∙Configure: Brings up the local client Graphical User Interface to configure the device.
∙Connect: Connects to the EDACS device (i.e., via Telnet) to use the device’s native configuration utilities.
∙Reboot: Automatically reboots the EDACS device.
∙Restart: Restarts traffic after a shutdown.
∙Shutdown: Shuts down traffic without losing connectivity.
| Configure. Brings up the local client | |||
| Graphical User Interface to configure | |||
| the device. | |||
| File... | EDACS |
| Help |
| Faults |
| |
| Configuration |
| Connect. Connects the EDACS | ||||
| device (i.e., via Telnet) to use the | |||||
| Accounting: File Transfer |
| |||||
| Configure | device’s native configuration | |||||
| Performance | ||||||
| utilities. | ||||||
| Connnect | ||||||
| |||||
| Software Version |
| ||
| Reboot | Telnet (xterm) |
| ||
| ||||
| Restart. Restarts traffic after a shutdown. | Restart | Telnet (VT420) |
| ||
| Shutdown | Reboot. Automatically reboots | ||||||
| |||||
| Shutdown. Shuts down traffic without |
| ||||||
| the EDACS device. | ||||||
| losing connectivity. |
| ||||
| |
Figure 15 - EDACS Configuration Menu
The CEC/IMC Manager client is invoked using the EDACS-
G r a p h i c a l U s e r I n t e r f a c e ( G U I )
( C L I E N T )
R P C | R P C |
C E C / I M C M a n a g e r A p p li c a ti o n
( S E R V E R )
O t h e r | C O M M | R S - 2 3 2 |
Figure 14 - CEC/IMC Client-Server Paradigm