CNI | Conventional Network Interface − A conventional base station can be |
| connected to the CEC/IMC switch via a CNI. The CNI is formed by a GETC |
| shelf located at the conventional station that makes the station appear to a |
| MIM as an EDACS site. In the CNI system, different Channel Guard tones are |
| assigned to different talk groups. |
Community Name | Used like a password in message, validating the right of the sender to access |
| MIB data with a requested operation. |
confirmed call | The confirmed call function ensures all EDACS radio systems being called |
| have working channels available before the caller is given a channel access |
| (talk permit) tone. This function can be disabled on a per system/group basis. |
Console | Communication equipment which provides an operating position for a |
| dispatcher. |
Console Icon | The Console icon consists of equipment, displays, and controls where one |
| operator interfaces with a radio system. |
Convert To Callee | The convert to callee message is sent to a radio which attempts to initiate a call |
| within a group which is already assigned a working channel. Upon recept of |
| the message, the radio is prevented from transmitting and is placed in the |
| receive mode on the assigned working channel. |
control data | Control data includes any data used by the switch for system control. |
CTIM | Centralized Telephone Interconnect Module − The CTIM is a CEC/IMC |
| interface module used to connect Centralized Telephone Interconnect System |
| (CTIS) equipment to the switch so radio users and dispatchers can access land- |
| line telephone systems. |
DATA | (see EDG interface module) |
daemon | Background process that performs |
distributed multisite | Two or more IMC networks can be linked together for distributed multisite |
| communication. Audio, mobile data/Aegis data and control data is transferred |
| between the different IMC networks via a NIM at each IMC switch. (Also see |
| StarGate Controller.) |
DPRAM | Dual Port Random Access Memory − These specialized memory chips have |
| two separate data buses that allow two microprocessor chips to quickly and |
| efficiently transfer data between each other. |
DVIM | Digital Voice Interface Module − The DVIM is a CEC/IMC interface module |
| that connects Digital Voice Interface Units (DVIU) to the switch to provide |
| Aegis digital and Aegis private voice operation for dispatch consoles and CTIS |
| equipment. |
DVIU | Digital Voice Interface Unit. Provides digital interface to the dispatch console |
| and enables digital mode communications with the console operator. |