Page 22 - Voice Manager | Using Voice Manager |
Voice Manager
Using Voice Manager
The system can include a Voice Manager to record messages for you in your own voice mailbox.
•Voice Manager Functions:
The INDeX supports a number of different Voice Managers and so the range of options available to you may differ.
To switch voice mail on/off:
1.To switch voice mail usage on, set the Voice Manager number as your phone's diverts (see page 18). Cancel the diverts to stop voice mail.
Customising Your Mailbox
You can customise your mailbox in many ways. We strongly recommend that you set a passcode to keep your mailbox private.
To customise your mailbox:
1.Dial the Voice Manager extension number (________).
2.When answered, dial # for the message desk.
3.Dial your ID. (_____) and your password if requested.
4.You should hear the normal voice manager greeting telling you what messages you have. Dial 7 and select one of the following.
•Temporary Greeting: Dial 0.
This replaces your permanent greeting until it is automatically deleted at a set time (___:___ am/pm).
•Record Name: Dial 1.
•Set Password: Dial 2.
Do not set an obvious password such as 1234, 0000 or your ext. number.
•Day Alert Number: Dial 3.
During day service, the Voice Manager rings this number if you have new messages. This is not used if you set a message light number.
•Permanent Greeting: Dial 4.
The Voice Manager plays this to callers diverted to your mailbox.
•Personal Greetings: Dial 5. A personal greeting can be played according to the reason why the call was diverted to your mailbox.
•Other Options: Dial .
Page 22 - Voice Manager | INDeX 11.0 20AT Telephone User's Guide |
Using Voice Manager | 38DHB0002UKHB Issue 1 (10/05/2004) |