Carer emergency memo card
4 Carer options
With your BT In Touch 2000 package, you will have received an emergency memo card. If you misplace or lose this card, you can take a copy of this page for a quick reference of what happens in an emergency.
BT In Touch 2000 package
For all technical product
enquiries, ring the BT Product Helpline on 0845 6011 406.
Emergency sequence
for Carers
• Your phone will ring. You receive the call.
• You will hear the emergency announcement.
• Dial 5 5 5 to take control of the emergency. You will hear “Code accepted”.
J | KL | J | KL | J | KL |
• You are now in control of the BT In Touch 2000 User Phone, which is in ‘handsfree’.
• You can manage the call by pressing:
WX | to amplify your voice at the User Phone for | |
| Y |
| Z | 10 secs (you can no longer hear the User) |
| |
| to amplify the User’s voice at your phone for |
| |
P | QR | |
| S | 10 secs (the User can no longer hear you) |
| |
| to cancel either of the above and return |
| UV | |
T |
both phones to normal use
•To end the call and make a further/emergency call, for example 999, if the User has not
‘hung up’, slowly dial 6 ✱ ✱.