Testing your BT In Touch 2000 package in an emergency situation
We recommend that you test your BT In Touch 2000 Package at regular intervals to ensure that all elements are working properly and that the system is set up properly.
Testing the package is particularly important after setting up for the first time.
Please Note
You will need two people to test whether your BT In Touch 2000 package is working correctly,
one person by the BT In Touch 2000 User Phone and one person by the BT In Touch 2000c Carer Phone.
A simple test of your BT In Touch 2000 package to test that it has been installed correctly
Having installed the BT In Touch 2000 User Phone, registered the BT In Touch Pendant at the User’s home, subscribed to a Caller Display network service and installed the BT In Touch 2000c Carer Phone at the Carer’s home you should test the package fully.
When testing your BT In Touch 2000 package you may find the section “Helpful timer whilst testing your Pendant/Emergency button” useful, (see page 72).
Carefully follow the procedure on the next few pages.
in an | situation |
Testing | emergency |