Porter-Cable Air Compressor Tires Over inflation of tires could, Result in serious injury

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Over inflation of tires could

Use a tire pressure gauge to check



result in serious injury


the tires pressure before each use



and property damage.


and while inflating tires; see the tire











sidewall for the correct tire pressure.










NOTE: Air tanks, compressors and










similar equipment used to inflate










tires can fill small tires very rapidly.










Adjust pressure regulator on air










supply to no more than the rating










of the tire pressure. Add air in small










increments and frequently use the










tire gauge to prevent over inflation.


















Risk of Electrical Shock















































What can happen


How to prevent it


Your compressor is powered by

Never operate the compressor



electricity. Like any other electrically


outdoors when it is raining



powered device, if it is not used


or in wet conditions.



properly it may cause electric shock.

Never operate compressor











with protective covers











removed or damaged.


Repairs attempted by unqualified

Any electrical wiring or repairs



personnel can result in serious


required on this product should be



injury or death by electrocution.


performed by authorized service











center personnel in accordance with











national and local electrical codes.


Electrical Grounding: Failure to

Make certain that the electrical



provide adequate grounding to


circuit to which the compressor



this product could result in serious


is connected provides proper



injury or death from electrocution.


electrical grounding, correct voltage



Refer to Grounding Instructions


and adequate fuse protection.



paragraph in the Installation section.







































Risk of Serious Injury or Property Damage

























When Transporting Compressor
























What can happen


How to prevent it


Oil can leak or spill and could result

Always place compressor on a



in fire or breathing hazard; serious


protective mat when transporting to



injury or death can result. Oil leaks


protect against damage to vehicle



will damage carpet, paint or other


from leaks. Remove compressor



surfaces in vehicles or trailers.


from vehicle immediately upon











arrival at your destination.

5-­ ENG

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Contents Manual de instrucciones Air Compressor Compresseur d’air Compresor de aireHazard Safety Guidelines DefinitionsImportant Safety Instructions Risk to Breathing Asphyxiation What can happen How to prevent itRisk of Bursting Attachments & accessoriesTires Over inflation of tires could When Transporting CompressorResult in serious injury Property damageRisk from Moving Parts Risk from Flying Objects What can happen How to prevent itRisk of Hot surfaces Risk of Injury from Lifting Risk of Unsafe Operation What can happen How to prevent itRisk of Falling Risk from noise What can happen How to prevent it Specification ChartGlossary Model No C5512Duty Cycle AccessoriesAssembly To Assemble Wheels InstallationAssemble Rubber Feet Location of the Air CompressorVoltage and Circuit Protection Extension CordsTransporting 120/240 Dual Voltage MotorLifting Moving13-­ ENG Air Distribution SystemTypical Description of Operation OperationKnow Your Air Compressor Motor Overload Protector The motor has How to StopPressure Release Valve The pressure Before Each Start-Up How to StartCustomer Responsibilities MaintenanceTo Check Safety Valve Oil To Drain TankChecking ChangingBelt Replacement Air Filter Inspection and ReplacementAir compressor Head Bolts Torquing Motor Pulley/Flywheel AlignmentAir Compressor Pump Intake and Exhaust Valves To Replace or Clean Check Valve Service and AdjustmentsCounterclockwise using a 7/8 open End wrench. Note the orientation for ReassemblyStorage Replacement Parts Service and RepairsProblem Cause Correction TroubleshootingReplace or Clean Check Valve Do not drill into, weld or otherwiseInstructed in the Operation section Refer to Motor Overload Protection See Motor Pulley/Flywheel Maintenance sectionLimited Warranty Consignes DE Sécurité Importantes Mesures DE Sécurité DéfinitionsNe posant aucun risque de Pourrait poser des risques deCe qui peut se produire Comment l’Éviter Risque Repiratoire AsphyxieRisque d’Éclatement La mise à la terre sous Installation Attachements et Accessoires Pneus Des pneus surgonflés pourraient Provoquer des blessures gravesNe pas toucher ni effectuer des PiÈces mobiles Risque associÉ auxRisque DE Blessure EN Soulevant LE Risque DE ChuteProduit Risque associÉ au bruitCycle DE Service SpecificationsLexique Modèle no C5512Installation de la poignée AccessoiresAssemblage Outils requis pour lassemblageAssemblage des pieds en caoutchouc Emplacement du compresseur dairAssemblage des roues Protection contre la surtension et protection du circuit RallongesMoteur deux tensions de 120/240 volts DéplacementTransport Levage41-­ FR Système de distribution dairSystème DE Distribution Dair Typique Description du fonctionnement UtilisationFamiliarisez-vous avec votre compresseur dair Arrêt de lappareil Utilisation de lappareilAvant chaque mise en marche Mise en marche EntretienResponsabilités du consommateur Vidange du réservoir Vérification de la soupape de sûretéChangement HuileVérification Remplacement de la courroie Filtre à air Inspection et remplacementBoulons de la tête du compresseur serrage Alignement de la poulie et du volant-moteurRéparations ET Réglages Remplacement ou nettoyage de la soupape de retenueRangement Remplacement du régulateurProblème Cause Correction ServiceDépannage De la soupape de retenue de la Remplacement ou nettoyageRisque Déclatement. Évitez de percerPas assez puissant pour Adressez-vous à un technicien De la poulie et du volant Garantie Limitée Peligro Definiciones DE Normas DE SeguridadInstrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad ¿Qué puede suceder? Cómo evitarlo Riesgo Respiratorio asfixiaElementos y accesorios Riesgo de explosiónLos neumáticos podría Neumáticos El inflado excesivo deCausar lesiones graves y Daño a la propiedadRiesgo DE superficies calientes Riesgo de objetos despedidosRiesgo de operación insegura Riesgo por piezas móviles ¿Qué puede suceder? Cómo evitarloRiesgo DE Lesión POR Levantar Riesgo DE CaídasMucho Peso Riesgo por ruidosGlosario Cuadro DE EspecificacionesCiclo DE Servicio Modelo Nº C5512Ensamblado AccesoriosHerramientas necesarias para el ensamble DesempaqueEnsamble de las patas de goma Ensamble de las ruedasCables de extensión eléctrica InstalaciónUbicación del compresor de aire No Utilice UN ADAPTADOR. Vea la figuraTransporte Protección del voltaje y del circuitoMotor de doble voltaje 120/240 Trasladar la Unidad Levantar la UnidadSistema de distribución de aire Conserve siempre el compresor en posición horizontalDE Purga Sistema Típico DE Distribución DE Aire Descripción de operaciones OperaciónConozca su compresor de aire Cómo detenerla Cómo utilizar su unidadAntes de cada puesta en marcha Cómo poner en marcha MantenimientoResponsabilidades del cliente Cómo drenar el tanque Cómo verificar la válvula de seguridadFiltro de Aire Inspección y reemplazo AceiteVerificación CambioPolea y volante Alineación Correa ReemplazoTornillos del cabezal del compresor de aire. Torque Para reemplazar o limpiar la válvula de retención Servicio Y AjustesPara reemplazar el regulador AlmacenajePiezas DE Repuesto Mantenimiento Y Reparaciones ServicioProblema Causa Corrección Guía DE Diagnóstico DE ProblemasSección Mantenimiento Párrafo Filtro de Aire en laSobrecalentamiento del motor Consulte Protector deVer Verificacion del Aceite en Polea/volante del motor enExcepciones Identificación DEL Producto Sello o firma del DistribuidorGarantía Limitada Para Otras Localidades Page Highway 45 North Jackson, TN 888