Dirty, porous, brittle weld
Wire feed works but no arc
Arc works but not feeding wire
i Nothing works except fan
Low output or non- _enetrating weld
Wire is jamming or "birdnesting" at the drive roller
Wire burns back to contact tip
Ground clamp and/or ground cable gets hot
Gun nozzle arcs to work surface
1.Plugged welding nozzle
2.No shielding gas
3.Wrong type of gas
4.Dirty or rusty welding wire
1.Bad ground or loose connection
2.Bad connection to gun or faulty gun
1.Faulty wire speed control assembly
2.No tension on drive roller
3.Faulty drive motor (RARE!)
1.Faulty trigger on gun
2.Exceeded duty cycle; thermal protector opened
3.Faulty transformer (RARE!)
1.Loose connection inside machine
2.Too tong or improper extension cord
3.Wrong type or size wire
4.Poor ground connection
5.Wrong size contact tip
6.Loose gun connection or faulty gun assembly
7.Wrong welding polarity set
8.Dirty or rusty welding wire
1.Too much tension on drive roller
2.Gun liner worn or damaged
3.Contact tip is clogged or damaged
4.Liner stretched or is too tonc
1• Gun liner worn or damaged
2.Liner stretched or is too lone 3• Wrong size contact tip
4• Contact tip is clogged or damaged
Bad connection from cable to clamp
Slag buildup inside nozzle or nozzle is shorted
1, Clean or replace nozzle.
2.Tank empty, flow restricted or regulator set too low.
3.See SELECTING SHIELD- ING gas section of manual•
4.Replace spool of wire.
1.Check ground and connections• Tighten as necessary.
2.Check connection to gun or replace gun
1.Replace wire speed control assembly.
2, Adjust the drive tension.
3.Replace drive motor.
•Replace gun trigger.
2• Let welder cool at least 10 minutes (observe and maintain proper duty cycle.)
3. Replace transformer.
1• Blow inside of machine out with compressed air. Clean and tighten all connections.
2, See EXTENSION CORDS section of manual.
3. Use correct size wire.
4• Reposition clamp and check cable to clamp connection.
5• Use correct size contact tip.
6."13ghtengun or replace gun.
7.Change to proper polarity.
8.Replace spool of wire•
:1. Adjust drive tension• (See
WELDING WIRE) 2• Replace gun liner.
3.Replace contact tip.
4.Trim liner to proper length.
1.Replace gun liner•
2.Trim liner to proper length•
3.Use correct size contact tip.
4.Replace contact tip.
Tighten connection or replace cable•
Clean or replace nozzle as needed.