2 | General Information |
2-1 Introduction
This family of granulators has been designed to granulate plastic material such as sprues, runners, and small reject parts.
The granulator is comprised of an infeed hopper into which the material to be granulated is fed, mounted on a cutting chamber in which a series of rotary and bed knives reduce the material to granules, the size of which is determined by the screen holes. The granules fall and collect in the bin below. The operation of the granulator is controlled by a control panel and powered by an electric motor.
2-2 Using This Manual
Use this manual as a guide and reference for installing, operating, and maintaining your granulator. The purpose is to assist you in applying efficient, proven techniques that enhance equipment productivity.
The General Information section outlines models covered, standard features, and available options. Additional sections within the manual provide instructions for installation,
Installation instructions include all required data for receiving, unpacking, inspecting, and setup of the granulator. Whenever possible, illustrations have been included to help you complete these tasks more efficiently. We can also provide the assistance of a
The Operation chapter includes a description of electrical and mechanical controls, in addition to information for operating the granulator safely and efficiently.
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