11/13/98 2:04 am | Catapult (UG) |
| US |
Rear tray 1 Receiving faxes
Answer Mode 3 automatic 3 extension phone 3 manual 3
no answer 20 when busy 20 Reduce to fit 16
Reducing copies 16 Reports
setting up 13, 20 Ring and beep volume 20 Rings to answer 9, 19
Scan and send 17 Scheduling faxes 17 Self test 13
Send fax later 17 Sending faxes 2 calling card 2
monitor dialing 2
Sending faxes. See also Speed dialing Setting date and time 18
Silent detect 22 Single ring 6 Speed dial
deleting 14 group
creating 15 editing 16
print list 13 printing list of 15 using 14
Speed dialing codes
number of available codes 34 Speel dial
individual creating 14
Start button 11 Static 21 Stop button 11 Streaking
on prints or copies 26 Supplies, ordering 32
Technical support information sources 30
FCC regulations 36 Tips
for loading paper 32 Tone dialing 19 Triple rings 6 Troubleshooting
specific problems 26
streaking on prints or copies 26
Voice mail 8, 29
Voice modem 8
Volume, controlling 20
HP Company Confidential