Natural Gas
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Potterton Gold Combi 28 HE A
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Potterton Gold Combi 33 HE A
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The Benchmark Scheme
Benchmark places responsibilities on both manufacturers and installers. The purpose is to ensure that customers are provided with the correct equipment for their needs, that it is installed, commissioned and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions by competent persons and that it meets the requirements of the appropriate Building Regulations. The Benchmark Checklist can be used to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations and should be provided to the customer for future reference.
Installers are required to carry out installation, commissioning and servicing work in accordance with the Benchmark Code of Practice which is available from the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council who manage and promote the Scheme. Visit www.centralheating.co.uk for more information.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature (including in any database), in each case whether electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for permitted fair dealing under Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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Building Regulations and the Benchmark Commissioning Checklist
Building Regulations (England & Wales) require notification of the installation of a heating appliance to the relevant Local Authority Building Control Department. From 1 April 2005 this can be achieved via a Competent Persons Self Certification Scheme as an option to notifying the Local Authority directly. Similar arrangements will follow for Scotland and will apply in Northern Ireland from 1 January 2006.
The Health & Safety Executive operates the ‘Gas Safe Register’, a
These arrangements represent a change from the situation whereby compliance with Building Regulations was accepted as being demonstrated by completion of the Benchmark Logbook (which was then left on site with the customer).
With the introduction of Self Certification Schemes, the Benchmark Logbook is being withdrawn. However, a similar document in the form of a commissioning checklist and service interval record is incorporated at the back of these instructions.
This company is a member of the Benchmark initiative and fully supports the aims of the programme. Its aim is to improve the standards of installation and commissioning of central heating systems in the UK and to encourage the regular servicing of all central heating systems to ensure safety and efficiency.
Building Regulations require that installations should comply with manufacturer's instructions. It is therefore important that the commissioning checklist is completed by the installer. The relevant section of Building Regulations only relates to dwellings. Therefore the checklist only applies if the appliance is being installed in a dwelling or some related structure.
The flowchart opposite gives guidance for installers on the process necessary to ensure compliance with Building Regulations.
ISO 9001
FM 00866
2© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012