APC UCCS Temperature Control specifications Section Controls Part 1 General

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[Note to Consultant: These standards incorporate the suggested wording for contract specifications. The consultant is responsible for making sure that the specifications are edited to meet the scope and intent of the project. Items which specifically require editing are highlighted in bold and enclosed in brackets.]


1.01RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE General Requirements Divisions 0 and 1

Mechanical Division 15

Testing, Balancing, and Adjusting Section 15990

Electrical Division 16

[Note to Consultant: Include Commissioning here if used.]

A.The General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, and General Require- ments bound herewith are a part of these Specifications and shall be used in conjunction with this Division as a part of the Contract Documents. Consult them for further instructions pertaining to this work. Contractors shall be responsible for, and be governed

by, all requirements thereunder.

B. Electrical wiring in connection with the automatic temperature control system, where

shown on the Division 16 drawings, shall be performed by the Electrical Contractor. All other wiring required for proper operation of the automatic temperature system shall be performed by this Contractor.

C.The automatic temperature control valves, separable wells for immersion sensors, and taps for flow and pressure instruments shall be provided by the Controls Contractor for

installation by the Mechanical Contractor under the Controls Contractor's supervision.

D.All automatic temperature control dampers shall be provided by the Controls Contractor for installation by the Mechanical Contractor under the Control Contractor's supervision, unless

they are components of packaged equipment.

[Note to Consultant: Cross-reference the control-damper specification in 15950 in the section in which products utilizing control dampers are specified. The dampers used in packaged equipment shall conform to the damper specification in this section.]

E. Adjustments of manual balancing devices, as required to obtain design air and/or water




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Contents Uccs Temperature Control Specifiers Guide Section Controls Part 1 General Special Conditions Work Included Submittal Data and Shop Drawings Drawings and SpecificationsDefinitions 15950-6 15950-7 Project Record Documents Demonstration and Training Warranty Quality Assurance Ownership of Proprietary MaterialPart 2 Products Manufacturers 15950-13 15950-14 Duct-mounted Uccs to add preferred manufacturer here 15950-16 AIR Tubing and Control Wiring Control Valves15950-18 Local Control Panels Compressed AIR Supply Pneumatic Actuators and Positioners Pneumatic 15950-22 15950-23 15950-24 SOLID-STATE Sensing Devices Transmitters Solid State15950-26 Auxiliary Devices Electric Actuators Electric Safety Controls Part 3 Execution CONTROL-AIR PipingControl Piping Liquids Control Wiring NET Controllers SCX 920 LCX 810, TCX 850, LCX 800I ALL Infinity ControllersInstallation and Setup Requirements 15950-34 Control Device Locations Control Panels IdentificationProtection CleanupTesting 15950-38 Control Execution General Workstation Programming 15950-41 DDC Software END of Section