APC UCCS Temperature Control specifications Project Record Documents

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b.Sequence of operation for all controlled and monitored points for each system. Sequence shall be on same drawing as corresponding system schematic.

c.A complete input/output schedule for each DDC panel and dedicated controller including point name (the same name to be used in software), functional description of each point, point type, complete wiring diagram for each point from controller to input or output device, field device type, and location, etc.

d.Communications cable schematic showing panel and controller locations, con- troller power source, and all interconnecting data and communication conduc- tors. Arrange the panels in the order in which they will actually be intercon- nected in the field.

e.On control drawings show sensor, panel, and equipment locations by referring to room number. VAV boxes shall be shown indicating room number that has sensor or Smart Stat connected to controller. Also indicate, in a matrix-diagram, each room served by that zone.

f. DDC network configuration complete with interconnection diagrams for all peripheral devices, batteries, power supplies, etc.

g. A bill of material shall be shown on each drawing. The bill of material shall include the device code used on the controls drawings, description of the

product, name of the manufacturer, complete model number, measurement range (if applicable), and quantity.

h. Identify the electrical power source for each DDC panel by location (room number), panel designation, and breaker number. Include the identification on the drawing and at the DDC panel itself. (Dedicated Powersource)

i.Submittals shall also include a complete test plan and procedures. Test plan shall be coordinated with the (Section 15990) Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Contractor. The test plan shall delineate the methods of testing and recording the results of the point by point verification and calibration of the hardware and the testing and tuning of the software. The test plan shall include a listing of all

hardware points with columns for calibration, test and certification. There shall be a similar record for software.

3.14- Days Prior to System Demonstration and Acceptance Testing:

a. Provide software programs and sequences written in the program language and in English.


A. Upon completion of the installation, provide a complete set of record (as-built) drawings on

digital media. The content and format of the drawings shall be as described previously.




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Contents Uccs Temperature Control Specifiers Guide Section Controls Part 1 General Special Conditions Work Included Submittal Data and Shop Drawings Drawings and SpecificationsDefinitions 15950-6 15950-7 Project Record Documents Demonstration and Training Warranty Quality Assurance Ownership of Proprietary MaterialPart 2 Products Manufacturers 15950-13 15950-14 Duct-mounted Uccs to add preferred manufacturer here 15950-16 AIR Tubing and Control Wiring Control Valves15950-18 Local Control Panels Compressed AIR Supply Pneumatic Actuators and Positioners Pneumatic 15950-22 15950-23 15950-24 SOLID-STATE Sensing Devices Transmitters Solid State15950-26 Auxiliary Devices Electric Actuators Electric Safety Controls Part 3 Execution CONTROL-AIR PipingControl Piping Liquids Control Wiring NET Controllers SCX 920 LCX 810, TCX 850, LCX 800I ALL Infinity ControllersInstallation and Setup Requirements 15950-34 Control Device Locations Control Panels IdentificationProtection CleanupTesting 15950-38 Control Execution General Workstation Programming 15950-41 DDC Software END of Section