Wolf ICBCT30IU manual

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Cookware selection is crucial in the perform- ance of induction cooking. Use the following guidelines when selecting cookware:

The bottom surface of the cookware must be a ferrous material (containing iron). Aluminum, copper, glass and certain stain- less steel cookware will not work.

Magnetic stainless steel or cast iron cookware is required for induction cooking. To test the cookware, a magnet must stick to the bottom of the vessel in order to function.

Select cookware with a diameter that matches the diameter of the induction element. When a pan is placed on the element, it should not extend beyond the ring around the element. Refer to the Cookware Selection Guide.

Avoid pots and pans with uneven or rounded bottom surfaces. Some specialty cookware such as woks, pressure cookers, canning modules and deep fat fryers must be carefully selected to meet induction cooking criteria.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Digital and magnetic thermometers may produce inaccurate readings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Performance is depen- dant on cookware material. For optimum performance use cookware with diameters corresponding to the element diameter.

See your local fine cookware dealer for induction-appropriate cookware.


Image 19
Contents Induction Cooktops Page U T S C H G L I S HWolf is a registered trademark of Wolf Appliance, Inc T RO D U C I N G WOLF INDUCTION COOKTOPS Thank YOU F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S a N D P R E C a U T I O N S Do not use aluminum foil on the top of the cooktop D E L I C B C T 1 5 I / S Framed Induction C O O K to P SD E L I C B C T 3 0 I / S D E L I C B C T 3 6 I / S D E L I C B C T 3 0 I U Unframed InductionD E L I C B C T 3 6 I U Induction cooking has been used in Europe for Mode Lock mode key touch padTo lock the control panel, touch and hold To unlock the control panel, touchTo activate Hi-Power mode, touch HOT-SURFACE I N D I C ATO R I T I a L START-UP To complete the activation, touch one To activate the user option, the cooktop To activate the timer, touch + onTo exit the user option and return Page Cooktop C a R E Not heat properly Cooktop does notFunction at all Induction elements doF O R E C a L L I N G F O R S E RV I C E Page Página web wolfappliance.com GraciasPrecauciones E Instrucciones DE Seguridad No utilice papel de aluminio en la Placa de inducción de 381 mm con marco A C a S D E Inducción CON MarcoD E L O I C B C T 1 5 I / S Modelo ICBCT15I/S Modelo ICBCT30I/S Modelo ICBCT36I/SPlaca de inducción de 762 mm con marco D E L O I C B C T 3 0 I / SPlaca de inducción de 914 mm con marco D E L O I C B C T 3 6 I / SPlaca de inducción de 762 mm sin marco Placas DE Inducción S I N M a R C OD E L O I C B C T 3 0 I U Modelo ICBCT30IU Modelo ICBCT36IUD E L O I C B C T 3 6 I U Plac AS DE Inducción S I N M a R C OPlaca de inducción de 914 mm sin marco A C a S D E I N D U C C I Ó N Panel de mandos táctil iluminado Botón de bloqueo Panel DE Mandos I L U M I N a D OPara bloquear el panel de mandos, pulse y Para desbloquear el panel de mandos, pulse yBotón del modo de máxima potencia Luz indicadora de superficie caliente Botón de apagado universal Máxima potenciaActivación del elemento de inducción Posiciones de temperaturaTemporizador de cuenta atrás M P O R I Z a D O RPara activar la opción del usuario la placa Para salir de la opción del usuario y volver a ponerCocina N T E N I M I E N to Correctamente La placa no funcionaLos elementos de Inducción no calientaT E S D E L L a M a R a L S E RV I C I O C N I C O Wolf est une marque déposée de Wolf Appliance, Inc N TA C T S T R U C T I O N S E T M E S U R E S D E S É C U R I T É Q U ’ I L NE FAUT PAS Faire D È L E I C B C T 1 5 I / S D U C T I O N AV E C C a D R EPlaque de cuisson induction 762 mm avec cadre D È L E I C B C T 3 0 I / SD È L E I C B C T 3 6 I / S AV E C C a D R ED E L E I C B C T 3 0 I U F L E U R a N T E SPlaque de cuisson induction 914 mm affleurante D E L E I C B C T 3 6 I UI S S O N I N D U C T I O N Pour verrouiller le panneau de PA N N E a U D E C O M M a N D EPour activer le mode « Haute intensité » Voyant indicateur de surface chaude S E E N M a R C H E I N I T I a L ERemarque Importante Si aucune casserole I L I S AT I O N D E L a P L a Q U E D EPour terminer l’activation, touchez l’un des « Haute intensité »Pour quitter la fonction Utilisateur et O I X D E L a B AT T E R I E D E C U I S I N E T R E T I E N D E L a P L a Q U E D E Les foyers induction ne Le panneau de commandeLa plaque de cuisson ne Fonctionne pas du toutRV I C E APRÈS-VENTEW O L F Service a P R È S V E N T E Page Sito Internet wolfappliance.com E C a U Z I O N I E P RO C E D U R E D I S I C U R E Z Z a Non riscaldare mai una pentola vuota Modello ICBCT15I/S Modello ICBCT30I/S Modello ICBCT36I/S D E L L O I C B C T 1 5 I / SPiano di cottura a induzione da 381 mm Piano di cottura a induzione con telaio da 762 mm D E L L O I C B C T 3 0 I / SPiano di cottura a induzione con telaio da 914 mm D E L L O I C B C T 3 6 I / SPiano di cottura a induzione senza telaio da 762 mm Senza TelaioD E L L O I C B C T 3 0 I U Modello ICBCT30IU Modello ICBCT36IUPiano di cottura a induzione senza telaio da 914 mm D E L L O I C B C T 3 6 I UVA N TA G G I D E L L a C OT T U R a N D U Z I O N E Per bloccare il pannello di controllo, toccare PA N N E L LO D I C O N T R O L LO I L L U M I N ATOPer sbloccare il pannello di controllo, toccare Comando tattile modalità Hi-Power N to D E L L a S U P E R F I C I E Indicatore del surriscaldamento della superficiePer attivare una zona di cottura Hi-PowerN Z I O N a M E N to D E L P I a N O D OT T U R aTimer con conto alla rovescia Page L I Z I a D E L P I a N O D I C OT T U R a Pulizia D E L P I a N O D I C OT T U R aInduzione non riscaldano Il piano di cotturaNon funziona Le zone di cottura aInformazioni SUL S E RV I Z I O DI Assistenza Vorsicht Website Wolfappliance.com Vielen DankSICHERHEITSHINWEISE UND Vorsichtsmassnahmen Achtung Mm-Induktionskochfeld mit Rahmen Induktionskochfelder MIT RahmenD E L L I C B C T 1 5 I / S Modell ICBCT15I/S Modell ICBCT30I/S Modell ICBCT36I/SD E L L I C B C T 3 0 I / S D E L L I C B C T 3 6 I / S Modell ICBCT36IU Induktionskochfelder Ohne R a H M E ND E L L I C B C T 3 0 I U Modell ICBCT30IUD E L L I C B C T 3 6 I U Induktionskochfelder Ohne RahmenINDUKTIONKOCHEN  Zum Verriegeln der Schaltblende BetriebsmodiZum Entriegeln der Schaltblende Touchpad für Hi-Power-Modus Zur Aktivierung des Hi-Power-Modus wird dasAnzeigelampe für heiße Fläche Wichtiger Hinweis Wenn das KochfeldTungsanzeige bleibt stetig eingeschaltet Element wird aktiviert und die BalkenleisZum Abschluss der Aktivierung eines der folgen Verriegelungsmodus verwendet werden Zum Aktivieren des Timers „+ auf demCountdown-Timer Zum Aktivieren der Benutzeroption mussS WA H L D E S K O C H G E S C H I R R S S K O C H F E L D E S Nicht richtig Kochfeld funktioniertÜberhaupt nicht Induktionselemente heizenL F Serviceinformationen Page Wolf APPLIANCE, INC