Braun MR 6550 M BC-HC manual English, How to operate your whisk, Description, Setting the speed

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Our products are engineered to meet the highest standards of quality, functionality and design. We hope you thoroughly enjoy your new Braun appliance.


Please read the use instructions carefully and completely before using the appliance.

The blades are very sharp!

Always unplug the appliance when it is left unat- tended and before assembling, disassembling, cleaning and storing.

This appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical or mental capabilities, unless they are given supervision by a person responsible for their safety. In general, we recommend that you keep the appliance out of reach of children.

Do not hold the motor part A nor the whisk gear box I under running water, nor immerse them in water.

Braun electric appliances meet applicable safety standards. Repairs or the replacement of the mains cord must only be done by authorised service personnel. Faulty, unqualified repair work may cause considerable hazards to the user.

Before plugging into a socket, check whether your voltage corresponds to the voltage printed on the bottom of the appliance.

The appliance is constructed to process normal household quantities.

Neither the beaker H , nor the chopper bowl/jug (c) is microwave-proof.

blending directly in the saucepan while cooking, take the pan from the stove first to protect your hand- blender from overheating.

How to operate your whisk

Use the whisk only for whipping cream, beating egg whites and mixing sponges and ready-mix desserts.

1.Insert the whisk J into the whisk gear box I , then insert the motor part A into the gear box until it locks.

2.Place the whisk in a vessel and only then, press switch B to operate it.

3.To release, press buttons D and pull off the gear box. Then pull the whisk out of the gear box.

For best results:

Use a wide bowl instead of the beaker H .

Move the whisk clockwise, holding it slightly inclined.

Whipped cream

Only whip up to 400 ml chilled cream (min. 30 % fat content, 4 – 8 °C).

Start with a low speed setting (1) and while whipping, increase the speed to setting 15.

Egg snow

Only whip up to 4 egg whites.

Start with a medium speed setting (7) and while beating, increase the speed to setting 15.


AMotor part

BOn/off switch for variable speed

CTurbo switch

DButtons for releasing the working parts

EVariable speed regulator

FBlender shaft

GWall mount

HMeasuring beaker with air-tight lid

IWhisk gear box J Whisk

K «HC» chopper L «BC» chopper

M Ice crusher insert for «BC» chopper

Setting the speed

When activating switch B , the processing speed corresponds to the setting of variable speed regulator

E. The higher the setting, the faster the chopping results.

However, maximum processing speed can only be achieved by pressing the turbo switch C . You may also use the turbo switch for instant powerful pulses without having to manipulate the speed regulator.

Depending on the application, we recommend the following speed settings:

Handblender 1...turbo

Chopper 1...turbo

Whisk 1...15

How to operate your handblender

The handblender is perfectly suited for preparing dips, sauces, soups, mayonnaise and baby food as well as for mixing drinks and milkshakes.

1.Insert the motor part A into the blender shaft F until it locks.

2.Introduce the handblender in the vessel, then press the on/off switch B or the on/off turbo switch C .

3.To release the blender shaft after use, press buttons D and pull it off.

You can operate the handblender in the measuring beaker H , and just as well in any other vessel. When

How to operate your chopper attachment(s)

«HC» chopper

«BC» chopper

(a) Chopper gear box

(a) Chopper gear box

(b) Blade

(b) Blade

(c) Chopper bowl

(c) Jug

(d) Anti-slip base/lid

(d) Anti-slip base/lid


(e) Ice blade


(f) Ice crusher insert

Both the «HC» and the «BC» choppers are perfectly suited for chopping meat, cheese, onions, herbs, garlic, carrots, walnuts, almonds, prunes etc. When chopping hard goods (e.g. hard cheese) use the turbo switch C .


Do not chop extremely hard food, such as nutmeg, coffee beans and grains.

Use the «HC» chopper for smaller quantities.

It is specially suited for chopping herbs and chilis (with water).

Use the «BC» chopper for larger quantities and for hard foods like parmesan cheese or chocolate. Furthermore, the «BC» chopper is suitable for a variety of other applications like shakes, drinks, purées, light doughs and ice crushing.

Before chopping ...

pre-cut meat, cheese, onions, garlic, carrots, chilis (see processing guide on page 5)

remove stalks from herbs, un-shell nuts

remove bones, tendons and gristle from meet.

For best results, please refer to the speed settings recommended in the processing guide.


(see picture section A on page 4)

1.Carefully remove the plastic cover from the blade

(b). Caution: the blade is very sharp! Always hold it by the upper plastic part.

2.Press the blade onto the centre pin of the chopper bowl (c) until it locks. «HC» chopper: press down the blade and turn 90° to lock it. Always place the chopper bowl on the anti-slip base (d).


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Contents Type Multiquick MinipimerMR 6500 BC MR 6550 BC-HC MR 6550 M BC-HC Braun Infolines A 00 800 27 28 6400 800 BRAUNINFOLINE 08 44 - 88 40click clickHC B BC HCa e b f c d a b c d400 g Deutsch GerätebeschreibungEinstellen der Geschwindigkeit So bedienen Sie Ihren Braun StabmixerHacken und Zerkleinern Zusätzliche Anwendungen für den «BC» ZerkleinererReinigung Rezept-BeispieleHow to operate your whisk Setting the speedHow to operate your handblender How to operate your chopper attachmentsCleaning Additional applications for the «BC» chopperRecipe example Shakes, drinks, puréesFrançais Utilisation des vitessesComment utiliser votre mixeur Comment utiliser le fouet métalHacher NettoyageExemple de recette Avant de hacher …Español DescripciónSelector de velocidades Funcionamiento de la batidoraCuando use el picador Aplicaciones adicionales para el picador «BC»Limpieza Ejemplo de recetaPortuguês DescriçãoFuncionamento da varinha mágica Funcionamento do acessório batedor metálicoPicando Outras aplicações para o picador «BC»Limpeza Exemplo de receitaCome utilizzare gli accessori tritatutto ItalianoDescrizione Regolazione della velocitàUlteriori applicazioni per l’accessorio «BC» Esempio di ricettaPulizia Frullati, bevande, purèeNederlands De verschillende onderdelenHet instellen van de snelheid De bediening van de staafmixerHakken Overige toepassingen voor de «BC» hakmolenSchoonmaken Recept voorbeeldDansk BeskrivelseIndstilling af hastighed Brug af piskerisEkstra tilbehør til «BC» hakkeren RengøringOpskrifteksempel Shakes, drinks, pureerNorsk Regulering av hastighetHvordan du bruker stavmikseren Hvordan du bruker vispetilbehøretTilleggsfunksjoner for «BC» hakketil- behøret RengjøringOppskriftsforslag Shaker, drinker, mosingSvenska BeskrivningHastighetsreglering Så hanterar du din mixerstavYtterligare användningsområden för «BC» hackaren Exempel på receptMjölkdrinkar, puréer, drinkar PannkakssmetSuomi Vispilän käyttöLaitteen osat Nopeuden säätöLisälaitteita tuotteeseen «BC» teholeikkuri Valmistusohje esimerkkiPuhdistus Pirtelöt, juomat, soseetPolski Budowa urzàdzeniaUstawianie pr´dkoÊci Obs∏uga mikseraRozdrabnianie Dodatkowe zastosowania rozdrabniacza «BC»Czyszczenie Przyk∏adowy przepisâesk˘ Popis pfiístrojeNastavení rychlosti PouÏití ponorného mixéruDal‰í vyuÏití fiezacího strojku «BC» âi‰tûníPfiíklady receptÛ Koktejly, nápoje, pyréSlovensk˘ Popis zariadeniaRegulácia r˘chlosti PouÏitie ponorného mixéruSekanie ëal‰ie vyuÏitie rezacieho zariadenia «BC»âistenie Príklady receptovMagyar LeírásSebesség beállítás A botmixer használataAz aprítóegység használata A nagy aprítóegység «BC» kiegészítŒ alkalmazásaTisztítás Recept ajánlatokHrvatski OpisPode‰avanje brzine Rad ‰tapnim mikseromDopunske primjene «BC» nastavka za usitnjavanje âi‰çenjePrimjeri recepata Sokovi, piça, pireiSlovenski Uporaba metlice za stepanjeNastavitev hitrosti Uporaba paliãnega me‰alnikaDodatne moÏnosti uporabe sekljalnika »BC« Zdrobljen ledâi‰ãenje ReceptiTürkçe Çırpıcınızı nasıl çalıµtıracaksınızTanımlama Hızı ayarıTemizleme Yemek tarifi örnekleriMilkshake, içki, püre Yumuµak hamur sulu krep hamuruΕλληνικά ΠεριγραΠ λειτ Πρ Παρακαλ συσκευΕπιπλ «BC» ΚαθαρισµΣυνταγ ΘρυµµατισµêÛÒÒÍËÈ éÔËÒ‡ÌË ÔË·Ó‡ê„ÛÎËӂ͇ ÒÍÓÓÒÚË ‚‡˘ÂÌËfl èÓfl‰ÓÍ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ÒÓ ·ÎẨÂÓÏóËÒÚ͇ ÔË·Ó‡ è‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÔËÏÂÜˉÍÓ ÚÂÒÚÓ äÓÎ͇ 艇ìÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ éÔËÒ ÔË·‰Ûê„Û₇ÌÌfl ¯‚ˉÍÓÒÚ¥ Ó·ÂÚ‡ÌÌfl èÓfl‰ÓÍ Ó·ÓÚË ¥Á ·ÎẨÂÓÏèÓ‰¥·ÌÂÌÌfl è‡ÍÚ˘ÌËÈ ÔËÍ·‰èÂ‰ ÓÔÂ‡ˆ¥π˛ ÔÓ‰¥·ÌÂÌÌfl ÔÓÚ¥·ÌÓ ê¥‰Í ڥÒÚÓ Ì‡ÔËÍ·‰, ‰Îfl ÔË„ÓÚÛ‚‡ÌÌfl ÏÎË̈¥‚ᇄ‡Î¸Ì¥ ÛÏÓ‚Ë Á·Â¥„‡ÌÌfl Page Page Page Deutsch EnglishFrançais EspañolNederlands DanskNorsk Svenskaâesk˘ Slovensk˘Magyar HrvatskiSlovenski EÏÏËÓÈοêÛÒÒÍËÈ ìÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ɇ‡ÌÚ¥fl Ì ÔÓÍË‚‡π ÔÓ¯ÍÓ‰ÊÂÌÌfl, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥