Load the silverware basket while it is in the bottom rack or remove the basket and place on a counter or table for loading. (See recommended loading pattern shown)
NOTE: Unload or remove the basket before unloading the racks to avoid water drops from falling on the silverware.
t1MBDFTNBMMJUFNTTVDIBTCBCZCPUUMFDBQTKBSMJETDPSODPCIPMEFSTFUDJOUIF section(s) with hinged cover(s). Close the cover to hold small items in place.
t8IFODPWFSTBSFVQNJYJUFNTJOFBDITFDUJPOPGUIFCBTLFUXJUITPNF pointing up and some down to avoid nesting. Spray cannot reach nested items.
IMPORTANT: Always load sharp items (knives, skewers, etc.) pointing down. Be sure that nothing protrudes through bottom of the basket or rack that may block the wash arm.
t%POPUMPBETJMWFSPSTJMWFSQMBUFETJMWFSXBSFJODPOUBDUXJUITUBJOMFTTTUFFM These metals can be damaged by contact with each other during washing.
t4PNFGPPET TVDIBTTBMUWJOFHBSNJMLQSPEVDUTGSVJUKVJDFTFUD DBOQJU or corrode silverware. Run a rinse cycle if you do not have a full load to wash immediately. DO NOT WASH ALUMINUM COOKWARE IN YOUR DISHWASHER