Gaggenau DF 241 manual Dishware Materials, RQH+DQGOHG8WHQVLOVHandles may separate

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Dishware Materials

NOTE: %HIRUHXVLQJ\RXUGLVKZDVKHUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHFKHFNWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVVHFWLRQ6RPHLWHPVDUHQRW dishwasher safe and should be hand-washed; others require special loading. Contact the item’s manufacturer if you are unsure about the item’s dishwasher suitability.


$OXPLQXPColored anodized aluminum may fade over time. Minerals in your water may cause the aluminum to


&KLQD&U\VWDO6WRQHZDUHSome hand-painted pieces may discolor, fade, or spot. Hand-wash these pieces. Position fragile glassware so that it will not topple over or contact other pieces during the wash cycle.

Glass: Milk glass may yellow.

Non-Stick Coatings: Apply a light coating of vegetable oil to non-stick surfaces after drying.

Plastics: Make sure the piece is dishwasher safe.

6WDLQOHVV6WHHO6WHUOLQJ6LOYHUDQG6LOYHU3ODWHPlace these pieces so that they do not contact dissimilar metals.


$FU\OLFCrazing (small cracks throughout the acrylic) may occur.

$GKHVLYH-RLQHG3LHFHVAdhesives that join materials such as plastic, wood, bone, steel copper, tin, etc. may loosen.

%RQH+DQGOHG8WHQVLOVHandles may separate.

Iron: Iron will rust. Hand-wash and dry immediately.

1RQ'LVKZDUH,WHPVYour dishwasher is intended for use in cleaning ONLY standard household dishware and kitchenware.

3HZWHU%UDVV%URQ]H Pewter will tarnish. Hand-wash and dry immediately.

Tin: Tin will rust. Hand-wash and dry immediately.



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Contents 825 296 921 9000 GaggenauPage GLVKZDVKHUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH Important Safety InstructionsUSA ‡ KHQORDGLQJLWHPVWREHZDVKHG Getting to know your Appliance Bottom Basket Detergent Dispenser Rinse Aid Dispenser Dishwasher ComponentsTop Basket 0RGHOGHSHQGHQWIDFWRU\VHWWLQJ Dishwasher setupDWHUVRIWHQLQJV\VWHP Sample Test StripTo Close Salt Using saltDetergent 7R2SHQ6HWWLQJDPRXQWRIULQVHDLG Rinse Agent5LQVH$JHQWLVSHQVHU ‡ ³U´PHDQVWKH5LQVH$JHQWGLVSHQVHULVRIIDishware Materials RQH+DQGOHG8WHQVLOVHandles may separateSilverware Basket 12 Place Setting Upper Basket 12 Place Setting Lower Basket 12 Place SettingLoading the Dishwasher $GMXVWLQJWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEDVNHW Basket AccessoriesOLS7LQHV PRGHOGHSHQGHQWWash Wash Cycle InformationPots Auto Normal Quick 132,6.1 2419,8 16.,9Additional Option Additional FeaturesPower 7RFDQFHOGHOD\VWDUWAuto Power Off QWHQVLYHGU\LQJ7HUPLQDWLQJWKHSURJUDP Operating the Unit‡ Close the door. The program starts running ‡ Press the ON/OFF button. ‡ Close the doorMaintenance and Care DNLQJ7UD\6SUD\+HDG6SUD\DUPV DVWHZDWHUSXPSĐƟŽŶ Dishwasher not ZĞƐƚƌŝĐƟŽŶŝŶƚŚĞǁĂƚĞƌƐƵƉƉůLJƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ Customer Service EHORZ XQWLOWKHSUREOHPLVFRUUHFWHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQStatement of Limited Product Warranty Gaggenau Page Page Chargement du lave-vaisselle 32-33 Options et features additionnelles 35-36Phone +1.877.4 Entretien 38-39 Aide 40-41Avis Caractéristiques et opcions du lave vaisselle Composants du lave-vaisselle ‡ Mettre l’appareil en circuit avec la touche marche-arrêt Caractéristiques et options\VWqPHG¶DGRXFLVVHXUG¶HDX AvertissementDétergent Sel Utilisation du sel3RXUIHUPHU 5pJODJHGHODTXDQWLWpG¶DJHQWGHULQoDJH ’agent de rinçageLVWULEXWHXUG¶DJHQWGHULQoDJH ‡ Fermer la porte. Relâcher les deux touches5HFRPPDQGpV 1RQUHFRPPDQGpKDUJHPHQWGXODYHYDLVVHOOH OLS7LQHV 5pJODJHGHODKDXWHXUGXSDQLHUCycle de lavage 1RUPDO Options additionnellesAuto DYDJHUDSLGH0LVHKRUVWHQVLRQDXWRPDWLTXH 6pchage Intensif36 Appuyer sur ON/OFF Activer/Désactiver Fermer la porte Fonctionnement de lappareilLQGXF\FOH 9HUURXLOODJHHQIDQWBras gicleurs Entretien‡ $SUqVFKDTXHODYDJHYpUL¿HUOHV¿OWUHV ‡ Enlever le bras gicleur inférieur‡ QOHYHUOHV¿OWUHV 3RPSHG¶HDXXVpHDQVFHFDV ‡ ,QVWDOOHUOH¿OWUHAide 401LJƐƚğŵĞĚ͛ĂůŝŵĞŶƚĂƟŽŶĞŶĞĂƵŽďƐƚƌƵĠ 6HUYLFHjODFOLHQWqOH 4243Accomplit par une société de service approuvé par Gaggenau Énoncé DE Garantie Limitée DES ProduitsPage Phone +1.877.4 VHUYHORVLJXLHQWH AdvertenciaAviso Familiarizarse con su aparato Visualizador digital Botón de arranqueComponentes DE LA Lavadora DE Platos 4849‡ Prenda la unidad con el botón ON/OFF Prender/Apagar DUDFWHUtVWLFDVGHODODYDGRUDGHSODWRV6LVWHPDSDUDDEODQGDUHODJXD ‡ Suelte ambos botonesUsar sal SalDetergente Para cerrarLMDUODFDQWLGDGGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH Agente de Enjuague6XUWLGRUGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH $SDJDUHOLQGLFDGRUGHUHOOHQDGRGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH1R5HFRPHQGDGR Materiales de Vajillas5HFRPHQGDGR 8WHQVLOLRVFRQPDQJRGHKXHVRSe pueden separar los mangosDUJDUODODYDGRUDGHSODWRV Accesorios ligeros de plástico p.ej. vasos, tapaderas, etc ~DVSOHJDEOHVDQFKRVSDUDUHMLOOD $MXVWDUODDOWXUDGHODUHMLOODDYDGR5iSLGR XLGDGRGHODFULVWDOHUtD6LVWHPDGH/DYDGRFR6HQVH Opciones adicionales=RQDLQWHQVLYD QGLFDGRUGHWLHPSRUHVWDQWH‡ Cierre la puerta IntenVLYHU\LQJ Secado intensivo RetDUGDUODSXHVWDHQPDUFKDEnHUJtDDXWRDSDJDGR QWHUUXPSLUHOFLFOR Cómo operar la unidad3UHQGHUHODSDUDWR 5RFLDGRUHVSDUDKRUQHDU0DQWHQLPLHQWR\FXLGDGR Problema Causa ĐĐŝſŶ ĞŶDĂƌĐŚĂ͟ĚĞĞƐƚĞŵĂŶƵĂů͘ De platos fuera del gabinete puede ex Poner conexiones de agua caliente, dePage + + 7HVWGHO¶pQHUJLH 2 0RGqOHGHFKDUJHGaggenau Main Street, Suite Irvine, CA