Gaggenau DF 241 manual Maintenance and Care, DNLQJ7UD\6SUD\+HDG

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If an item is too tall to be placed into the bottom basket even with the top bas- ket in the raised position, remove the empty top basket by pulling it out of the dishwasher until it stops rolling. Pull the front of the basket upward and out- ward until the rollers are completely free of the roller guides. Set the top basket aside. Push the roller guides back into the dishwasher.

Insert the Baking Tray Spray Head into the top basket spray outlet and turn the sprinkler clockwise to lock it into position as shown above. Place your extra tall item(s) in the bottom basket as shown above.

127(.HHSWKHYHQWRQWKHWXE¶VULJKWVLGHFOHDUE\SODFLQJWDOOLWHPVVXFK as plastic cutting boards and tall baking sheets on the bottom rack’s left side, center, or back


Maintenance and Care

A regular inspection and maintenance of your machine will help to prevent faults. This saves time and prevents problems.


Check spray arm for grease and limescale deposits.


‡ Fill detergent dispenser with detergent.

‡ Start the appliance without utensils in the program with the highest rinsing temperature.

Clean the appliance with detergents/appliance cleaners which are particularly suitable for use with dishwashers.

‡ Regularly clean door seal with a damp cloth.

Never use a steam cleaner to clean your dishwasher. The manufacturer is not liable for any consequential damage.

Regularly wipe the front of the appliance and fascia with a damp cloth; water and a little washing up liquid are adequate.

Do not use sponges with a rough surface or abrasive detergents, as these could scratch the surfaces.


Image 17
Contents Gaggenau 825 296 921 9000Page USA Important Safety InstructionsGLVKZDVKHUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH ‡ KHQORDGLQJLWHPVWREHZDVKHG Getting to know your Appliance Top Basket Dishwasher ComponentsBottom Basket Detergent Dispenser Rinse Aid Dispenser 0RGHOGHSHQGHQWDWHUVRIWHQLQJV\VWHP Dishwasher setupIDFWRU\VHWWLQJ Sample Test StripDetergent Salt Using saltTo Close 7R2SHQ5LQVH$JHQWLVSHQVHU Rinse Agent6HWWLQJDPRXQWRIULQVHDLG ‡ ³U´PHDQVWKH5LQVH$JHQWGLVSHQVHULVRIIRQH+DQGOHG8WHQVLOVHandles may separate Dishware MaterialsLoading the Dishwasher Upper Basket 12 Place Setting Lower Basket 12 Place SettingSilverware Basket 12 Place Setting OLS7LQHV Basket Accessories$GMXVWLQJWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEDVNHW PRGHOGHSHQGHQWPots Auto Normal Quick Wash Cycle InformationWash 132,6.1 2419,8 16.,9Power Additional FeaturesAdditional Option 7RFDQFHOGHOD\VWDUWQWHQVLYHGU\LQJ Auto Power Off‡ Close the door. The program starts running Operating the Unit7HUPLQDWLQJWKHSURJUDP ‡ Press the ON/OFF button. ‡ Close the doorDNLQJ7UD\6SUD\+HDG Maintenance and CareDVWHZDWHUSXPS 6SUD\DUPVĐƟŽŶ Dishwasher not ZĞƐƚƌŝĐƟŽŶŝŶƚŚĞǁĂƚĞƌƐƵƉƉůLJƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ EHORZ XQWLOWKHSUREOHPLVFRUUHFWHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ Customer ServiceStatement of Limited Product Warranty Gaggenau Page Page Phone +1.877.4 Options et features additionnelles 35-36Chargement du lave-vaisselle 32-33 Entretien 38-39 Aide 40-41Avis Caractéristiques et opcions du lave vaisselle Composants du lave-vaisselle \VWqPHG¶DGRXFLVVHXUG¶HDX Caractéristiques et options‡ Mettre l’appareil en circuit avec la touche marche-arrêt Avertissement3RXUIHUPHU Sel Utilisation du selDétergent LVWULEXWHXUG¶DJHQWGHULQoDJH ’agent de rinçage5pJODJHGHODTXDQWLWpG¶DJHQWGHULQoDJH ‡ Fermer la porte. Relâcher les deux touches1RQUHFRPPDQGp 5HFRPPDQGpVKDUJHPHQWGXODYHYDLVVHOOH 5pJODJHGHODKDXWHXUGXSDQLHU OLS7LQHVCycle de lavage Auto Options additionnelles1RUPDO DYDJHUDSLGH36 6pchage Intensif0LVHKRUVWHQVLRQDXWRPDWLTXH LQGXF\FOH Fonctionnement de lappareilAppuyer sur ON/OFF Activer/Désactiver Fermer la porte 9HUURXLOODJHHQIDQW‡ $SUqVFKDTXHODYDJHYpUL¿HUOHV¿OWUHV EntretienBras gicleurs ‡ Enlever le bras gicleur inférieurDQVFHFDV 3RPSHG¶HDXXVpH‡ QOHYHUOHV¿OWUHV ‡ ,QVWDOOHUOH¿OWUH401 AideLJƐƚğŵĞĚ͛ĂůŝŵĞŶƚĂƟŽŶĞŶĞĂƵŽďƐƚƌƵĠ 4243 6HUYLFHjODFOLHQWqOHÉnoncé DE Garantie Limitée DES Produits Accomplit par une société de service approuvé par GaggenauPage Phone +1.877.4 Aviso AdvertenciaVHUYHORVLJXLHQWH Visualizador digital Botón de arranque Familiarizarse con su aparato4849 Componentes DE LA Lavadora DE Platos6LVWHPDSDUDDEODQGDUHODJXD DUDFWHUtVWLFDVGHODODYDGRUDGHSODWRV‡ Prenda la unidad con el botón ON/OFF Prender/Apagar ‡ Suelte ambos botonesDetergente SalUsar sal Para cerrar6XUWLGRUGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH Agente de EnjuagueLMDUODFDQWLGDGGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH $SDJDUHOLQGLFDGRUGHUHOOHQDGRGHODJHQWHGHHQMXDJXH5HFRPHQGDGR Materiales de Vajillas1R5HFRPHQGDGR 8WHQVLOLRVFRQPDQJRGHKXHVRSe pueden separar los mangosDUJDUODODYDGRUDGHSODWRV DQFKRVSDUDUHMLOOD ~DVSOHJDEOHVAccesorios ligeros de plástico p.ej. vasos, tapaderas, etc $MXVWDUODDOWXUDGHODUHMLOODXLGDGRGHODFULVWDOHUtD DYDGR5iSLGR=RQDLQWHQVLYD Opciones adicionales6LVWHPDGH/DYDGRFR6HQVH QGLFDGRUGHWLHPSRUHVWDQWHEnHUJtDDXWRDSDJDGR RetDUGDUODSXHVWDHQPDUFKD‡ Cierre la puerta IntenVLYHU\LQJ Secado intensivo 3UHQGHUHODSDUDWR Cómo operar la unidadQWHUUXPSLUHOFLFOR 5RFLDGRUHVSDUDKRUQHDU0DQWHQLPLHQWR\FXLGDGR Problema Causa ĐĐŝſŶ ĞŶDĂƌĐŚĂ͟ĚĞĞƐƚĞŵĂŶƵĂů͘ Poner conexiones de agua caliente, de De platos fuera del gabinete puede exPage 7HVWGHO¶pQHUJLH 2 0RGqOHGHFKDUJH + +Gaggenau Main Street, Suite Irvine, CA