Whirlpool TT14DKXEW13 Thereis interior moisturebuild-up.cont, Thedoorswill not closecompletely

Page 43

Thereis interior moisturebuild-up.(cont.)

Check if ...

The food IS not packaged correctly.

The control is not set correctly for the surrounding conditions.

A self defrost cycle was completed.

Then ...

Check that all food is securely wrapped. If necessary, repackage food according to the guidelines in the “Food Storage Guide” section. Wipe off damp food containers before placing in the refrigerator.

Refer to the “Setting the control” section.

It is normal for droplets to form on the back wall after the refrigerator self-defrosts.

Thedoorswill not closecompletely

Check if ...

Food packages are blocking the door open.

The ice bin is out of position.

The pans, shelves, bins, or baskets are out of position.

The gaskets are dirty.

1 The refriaerator is not level.

IThe doors were removed during product installation and not properly replaced.

Then ...

Rearrange containers so that they fit more tightly and take up less mace.

Push the ice bin in all the way.

Put all pans, shelves, bins, and baskets back into their correct position.

Clean gaskets according to the directions in the “Caring for Your Refrigerator” section.

Level the refrigerator. Refer to the “Leveling” section.

Remove and replace the doors according to the “Reversing the door swing” section or, contact a qualified person.

Thedoorsaredifficult to open

Check if ...

Then ...




The gaskets are dirty or sticky.

Clean gaskets according

to the directions

in the “Caring


for Your Refrigerator”




Image 43
Contents Use&Care Declairage TASIEOFCONIENKTABIIDESNW&SLnniez lesrenseipnementsconcemantvotre Recordyour model’sinformationNousnoussoucionsdevotre sCcurit4 Yoursafety is important to usME Aurebut PRUDENI’E.VOTRE VIEUXRhUGiRATEUR Panel Tabw DECOMMANDEFkglage de la Enlhement desmatbriauxd’emballage RemovingpackapingmaterialsWtpdCKtng your refrigerator CleaningbeforeuseSpacerequirements Nettoyapeavant I’utilitationOutils requir Readall directions carefully beforeyoubeyinToolsrequired He attentivementtouter lesinstructions avant de commencerSupply Optionelle 31une canalisation Connectingto water lineAttaching the optional ice maker to a water $Iglaqons’eau suite RaccordementaurCfriy4rateur Connectingto refrigeratorAttaching the optional ice maker to a water supply Turn shut-off valve ON. Check for Leaks Ektrwrequirements SPiancmoi4sklRlQUES HlEUNCANDDOOR AUCNMENl Nivellement et alignement des portes suite Leveling and door alignmentCowndes SEITIN~THEcormoLEnsuringproperair Circulation On somemodels VerqeSWcertainsmod~le3 Removingthe Crispersand Crispercover RefrigeratorshelvesCouverqe Removing the crispers and crisper cover CubetraysOn iome models SWcertainsmod4esFAutomatique Facultative Bulb Using the optional automatic ice makerAmpoules Reversingthe hinges ReversingthedoorswingVersiondu sensder chamiirer OUTMACENiCESSAlREReversing the door swing Reveninpthe handlesInversion du sens d’ouverture des portes suite Inversiondespoipnies deportesK0~0fth1~D’iNERCIE SavingenercyLes bruits de I’appareil que vous pouvez entendre suite Understanding the sounds you may hearCARINGFORYOURREFRICEIUU~R CLEAN~NCYOURREFRIGERATORHREllENDURhdRAlEUR Courtesvacancef ShortvacationsLonyvacations MovingVacation and moving care PannesdecourantmriqulStoringfreshfood FoodstorageguideLeftovers Vegetableswith skinsFish MeatPackapinp CON~ERVAIIONDESAUMEHCSEmballaye Conservation des aliments congel& suite HeelingConpilation Storing frozen foodThelights do not work Yourrefrigerator will not operateThereis water in the defrost drain pan Therefrigerator seemsto maketoo muchnoise Hemotorseemsto run too muchTheicemakeris producing too little ice Theice makeris not producinq iceOff -taste or odor in the ice Temneratureistoo warm Thedivider betweenthe two compartmentsis warm3xre is interior moisturebuild-up Thedoorswill not closecompletely Thereis interior moisturebuild-up.contThedoorsaredifficult to open Lesampoulesn’iclairent pas Lordrigirateur nefonctionne pasLLmoteut ssmblefoactionrer excersivement ~amachinei platens neproduit pasdeylafons Lerkfripirateur semblefaire trop de bruitLI machineBglagonsproduit trop peudeplagons IA cloiron au centreentrelesdeuxsectionsesttiade Mauvaisqoit ou odeurdesqlacons~atempirature esttrop tilde Esportessontdiff iciles i ouch LosportesnesefermentpascomplitementII existeuneaccumulationd’humiditi i I’intbieur Ifyouneedreplacemehcparis IFYOUNEEDASSISTANCEORSERVICEINU.S.AIf you needservicet FyouneedassistanceorserviceincanadaInplis LimitedApplianceSewice- ConsumerServices Sivousavezbesoindeservice+ $1VOUSAVEZBESOIND’IUSISTANCEOUDESERVICEPOURPLUSD’ASSISTANCE Estafrefrigerator FOTwarranty information in CanadaPourdesrenseipnementsausujet dela parantie au Canada CARANTIEokIndex Suite Index