Whirlpool TT14DKXEW13 manual Panel

Page 6

This section contains an illustration of your refrigerator. Use it to become more familiar with the parts and features. Page references are included for your convenience.

NOTE: This manual covers several different models. The refrigerator you have purchased may have some or all of the parts and features listed below.

Partial freezer shelf

Control panel - (P. 18)

Model and serial

number label - (on side wall)

(P. 3)

Meat drawer . (on some models)

(P. 20)

Adjustable wire - shelves

(P. 21)

Crisper cover - (P. 21)

Leveling rollers (P. 11)

7 Door shelves



>Door shelves



Light switch


Temperature control


Image 6
Contents Use&Care TASIEOFCONIENKTABIIDESNW&S DeclairageRecordyour model’sinformation Lnniez lesrenseipnementsconcemantvotreYoursafety is important to us Nousnoussoucionsdevotre sCcurit4ME Aurebut PRUDENI’E.VOTRE VIEUXRhUGiRATEUR Panel Tabw DECOMMANDEFkglage de la Removingpackapingmaterials Enlhement desmatbriauxd’emballageNettoyapeavant I’utilitation CleaningbeforeuseSpacerequirements WtpdCKtng your refrigeratorHe attentivementtouter lesinstructions avant de commencer Readall directions carefully beforeyoubeyinToolsrequired Outils requir$Iglaqons Connectingto water lineAttaching the optional ice maker to a water Supply Optionelle 31une canalisation’eau suite Connectingto refrigerator RaccordementaurCfriy4rateurAttaching the optional ice maker to a water supply Turn shut-off valve ON. Check for Leaks Ektrwrequirements SPiancmoi4sklRlQUES HlEUNCANDDOOR AUCNMENl Leveling and door alignment Nivellement et alignement des portes suiteSEITIN~THEcormoL CowndesEnsuringproperair Circulation Verqe On somemodelsSWcertainsmod~le3 Refrigeratorshelves Removingthe Crispersand CrispercoverCouverqe SWcertainsmod4esF CubetraysOn iome models Removing the crispers and crisper coverAutomatique Facultative Using the optional automatic ice maker BulbAmpoules Reversingthedoorswing Reversingthe hingesOUTMACENiCESSAlRE Versiondu sensder chamiirerReveninpthe handles Reversing the door swingInversiondespoipnies deportes Inversion du sens d’ouverture des portes suiteSavingenercy K0~0fth1~D’iNERCIEUnderstanding the sounds you may hear Les bruits de I’appareil que vous pouvez entendre suiteCLEAN~NCYOURREFRIGERATOR CARINGFORYOURREFRICEIUU~RHREllENDURhdRAlEUR Moving ShortvacationsLonyvacations CourtesvacancefPannesdecourantmriqul Vacation and moving careFoodstorageguide StoringfreshfoodMeat Vegetableswith skinsFish LeftoversCON~ERVAIIONDESAUMEHCS PackapinpEmballaye Storing frozen food HeelingConpilation Conservation des aliments congel& suiteYourrefrigerator will not operate Thelights do not workThereis water in the defrost drain pan Hemotorseemsto run too much Therefrigerator seemsto maketoo muchnoiseTheice makeris not producinq ice Theicemakeris producing too little iceOff -taste or odor in the ice Thedivider betweenthe two compartmentsis warm Temneratureistoo warm3xre is interior moisturebuild-up Thereis interior moisturebuild-up.cont Thedoorswill not closecompletelyThedoorsaredifficult to open Lordrigirateur nefonctionne pas Lesampoulesn’iclairent pasLLmoteut ssmblefoactionrer excersivement Lerkfripirateur semblefaire trop de bruit ~amachinei platens neproduit pasdeylafonsLI machineBglagonsproduit trop peudeplagons Mauvaisqoit ou odeurdesqlacons IA cloiron au centreentrelesdeuxsectionsesttiade~atempirature esttrop tilde Losportesnesefermentpascomplitement Esportessontdiff iciles i ouchII existeuneaccumulationd’humiditi i I’intbieur IFYOUNEEDASSISTANCEORSERVICEINU.S.A IfyouneedreplacemehcparisFyouneedassistanceorserviceincanada If you needservicetInplis LimitedApplianceSewice- ConsumerServices $1VOUSAVEZBESOIND’IUSISTANCEOUDESERVICE Sivousavezbesoindeservice+POURPLUSD’ASSISTANCE FOTwarranty information in Canada EstafrefrigeratorCARANTIEok Pourdesrenseipnementsausujet dela parantie au CanadaIndex Index Suite