Whirlpool TT14DKXEW13 manual Ifyouneedassistanceorserviceinu.S.A, Ifyouneedreplacemehcparis

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To avoid unnecessary service calls, please check the “Troubleshooting you the cost of a service call. If you still need help, follow the instructions

Guide” section. It may save below.


Call the Consumer Assistance Center toll free at

1-800-253-I 301. Our consultants are available to assist you.

When calling:

Please know the purchase date, and the complete model and serial number of

vour appliance (see the “A Note to You” section). This ;nformaiion will ‘help us better respond to your request.

Our consultants provide assistance with:

l Features and specifications on our full line of appliances

0 Installation information

l Use and maintenance procedures

l Accessory and repair parts sales

0 Do-it-yourself repair help

l Specialized customer assistance (Spanish speaking, hearing impaired, limited vision, etc.)

0 Referrals to local dealers, service companies, and repair parts distributors

Service technicians are trained to fulfill the product

warranty and provide after-warranty service, anywhere in the United States.

To locate the authorized Whirlpool service company in your area, you can also look in your telephone directory Yellow Pages.


If you need to order replacement parts, we recommend that you only use FSP’ factory authorized parts. FSP replacement parts will fit right and work right, because they are made to the same exacting specifications used to build every new ESTATE’ appliance.


To locate FSP replacement parts in your area, call our Consumer Assistance Center telephone number or your nearest authorized service center.


If you need further assistance, you can write to Whirlpool with any question ,s or concerns at:

Estate Brand Home Appliances Consumer Assistance Center

c/o Correspondence Dept. 2000 North M-63

Benton Harbor, Ml 490222692

Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.

If the dealer, authorized servicer, and Whirlpool have failed to resolve your problem, you can contact the Major Appliance Consumer Action Program (MACAP). MACAP is a group of independent consumer experts that voice consumer views at the highest levels of the major appliance industry. MACAP will in turn inform us of your action.

Major Appliance Consumer Action Program

20 North Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606


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Contents Use&Care Declairage TASIEOFCONIENKTABIIDESNW&SLnniez lesrenseipnementsconcemantvotre Recordyour model’sinformationNousnoussoucionsdevotre sCcurit4 Yoursafety is important to usME Aurebut PRUDENI’E.VOTRE VIEUXRhUGiRATEUR Panel Tabw DECOMMANDEFkglage de la Enlhement desmatbriauxd’emballage RemovingpackapingmaterialsSpacerequirements CleaningbeforeuseNettoyapeavant I’utilitation WtpdCKtng your refrigeratorToolsrequired Readall directions carefully beforeyoubeyinHe attentivementtouter lesinstructions avant de commencer Outils requirAttaching the optional ice maker to a water Connectingto water line$Iglaqons Supply Optionelle 31une canalisation’eau suite RaccordementaurCfriy4rateur Connectingto refrigeratorAttaching the optional ice maker to a water supply Turn shut-off valve ON. Check for Leaks Ektrwrequirements SPiancmoi4sklRlQUES HlEUNCANDDOOR AUCNMENl Nivellement et alignement des portes suite Leveling and door alignmentCowndes SEITIN~THEcormoLEnsuringproperair Circulation On somemodels VerqeSWcertainsmod~le3 Removingthe Crispersand Crispercover RefrigeratorshelvesCouverqe On iome models CubetraysSWcertainsmod4esF Removing the crispers and crisper coverAutomatique Facultative Bulb Using the optional automatic ice makerAmpoules Reversingthe hinges ReversingthedoorswingVersiondu sensder chamiirer OUTMACENiCESSAlREReversing the door swing Reveninpthe handlesInversion du sens d’ouverture des portes suite Inversiondespoipnies deportesK0~0fth1~D’iNERCIE SavingenercyLes bruits de I’appareil que vous pouvez entendre suite Understanding the sounds you may hearCARINGFORYOURREFRICEIUU~R CLEAN~NCYOURREFRIGERATORHREllENDURhdRAlEUR Lonyvacations ShortvacationsMoving CourtesvacancefVacation and moving care PannesdecourantmriqulStoringfreshfood FoodstorageguideFish Vegetableswith skinsMeat LeftoversPackapinp CON~ERVAIIONDESAUMEHCSEmballaye Conpilation HeelingStoring frozen food Conservation des aliments congel& suiteThelights do not work Yourrefrigerator will not operateThereis water in the defrost drain pan Therefrigerator seemsto maketoo muchnoise Hemotorseemsto run too muchTheicemakeris producing too little ice Theice makeris not producinq iceOff -taste or odor in the ice Temneratureistoo warm Thedivider betweenthe two compartmentsis warm3xre is interior moisturebuild-up Thedoorswill not closecompletely Thereis interior moisturebuild-up.contThedoorsaredifficult to open Lesampoulesn’iclairent pas Lordrigirateur nefonctionne pasLLmoteut ssmblefoactionrer excersivement ~amachinei platens neproduit pasdeylafons Lerkfripirateur semblefaire trop de bruit LI machineBglagonsproduit trop peudeplagons IA cloiron au centreentrelesdeuxsectionsesttiade Mauvaisqoit ou odeurdesqlacons~atempirature esttrop tilde Esportessontdiff iciles i ouch LosportesnesefermentpascomplitementII existeuneaccumulationd’humiditi i I’intbieur Ifyouneedreplacemehcparis IFYOUNEEDASSISTANCEORSERVICEINU.S.AIf you needservicet FyouneedassistanceorserviceincanadaInplis LimitedApplianceSewice- ConsumerServices Sivousavezbesoindeservice+ $1VOUSAVEZBESOIND’IUSISTANCEOUDESERVICEPOURPLUSD’ASSISTANCE Estafrefrigerator FOTwarranty information in CanadaPourdesrenseipnementsausujet dela parantie au Canada CARANTIEokIndex Suite Index