Disconnect from electricity and gas before servicing. Check appliance is safe when you have finished.
When fitting the new seal, position the seal join at the bottom. Hook the new seal in one of the corner holes of the door, and proceed round the door snapping in each hook in turn.
21. To Change Ignition Generator
Pull the cooker forward to gain access to the cover box at the rear of the left hand oven. Remove the screws securing the cover and lift clear. Pull off all the leads to the generator, noting their positions. Slacken the two screws holding the generator to the cooker and remove the generator.
Fit the new generator to the cooker and replace the leads, referring to the wiring diagram.
22. To Remove an Oven Inner Back
Open the oven door and remove the oven furniture. Unscrew the two thermostat phial fixing screws (see section 7). Remove the fixings that secure the inner back to the oven rear:
Lift the removable panel away.
23. To Replace an Oven Fan
Pull the unit forward to access the cover boxes at the rear of the appliance. Remove the fixings that secure the cover and lift it clear. Remove the fan wiring, noting the connection positions. Remove the inner back as detailed in section
22.Hold the fan blades and undo the centre nut (left hand thread), brass washers, fan blade and Circlip. Undo the fixings that retain the fan and remove it from the cavity rear. Fit the replacement and
24. To Replace an Oven Fan Element
Remove the oven inner back as detailed in section 22. Remove the fixings that secure the element within the oven and lift the element away carefully.
Disconnect the leads and connect to the replacement element.
25. To Remove Grill Element
Remove the grill pan from the grill chamber. From inside the grill compartment, remove the enamelled front shield from the grill roof, and the two screws and washers.
Remove the two screws and washers securing the grill element front support. Remove one screw from each of the grill elements and withdraw the grill element from the grill chamber.
Disconnect the leads and connect to the replacement elements.
26To Remove the Left hand Oven Bottom and Top Elements
Bottom Element
Pull the cooker forward to access the cover boxes at the rear of the unit. Remove the fixings that secure the cover and lift it clear.
Remove the two screws ‘A’ and allow the plate to drop down.