The information below can be found on the generator. For your safety, please study and understand all of the labels before starting the generator.
If any of the labels come off the unit or become hard to read, contact an authorized service center for replacement.
You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you do not |
Failure to prop- erly ground gen- erator can result in electrocution, especially if the
g e n e r a t o r i s equipped with a wheel kit.
Using a generator indoors WILL KILL YOU IN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell.
NEVER use inside a home or garage, | Only use OUTSIDE and far away from | ||||||
EVEN IF doors and windows are open. | windows, doors, and vents. | ||||||
follow the Operator’s Manual instructions. |
Risk of Fire. Do not add fuel while the product is operat- |
ing. |
Generator is a potential source of electric shock. Do not |
expose to moisture, rain, or snow. Do not operate with |
wet hands or feet. |
Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations.
Using a generator indoors WILL KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell.
NEVER use inside a home or garage, EVEN IF doors and windows are open.
Only use OUTSIDE and far away from windows, doors, and vents.
Generator is a potential source of electric shock. Do not expose to moisture, rain, or snow. Do not operate with wet hands or feet.
Le générateur est une source potentielle de chocs électriques. Ne pas exposer à l’humidité, la pluie ou la neige. Ne pas utiliser avec les mains ou les pieds mouillés.
El generador es una fuente de descarga eléctrica. No lo exponga a humedad, la lluvia, nin a la nieve. No opere con manos o pies húmedos.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas that can cause unconsciousness or DEATH. Operate in well ventilated, outdoor areas away from open windows or doors.
L’échappement contient le gaz monoxyde de carbone toxique qui peut causer l’inconscience ou la MORT. Fonctionner dans les secteurs bien ventilés et extérieurs loin d’ouvre des fenêtres ou des portes.
El escape contiene gas venenoso de monóxido de carbono que puede causar pérdida del conocimiento o MUERTE. Opere en áreas exteriores bien ventiladaslejos de puertas o ventanas abiertas.
Failure to properly ground generator can result in electrocution, especially if the generator is equipped with a wheel kit.
Une mauvaise mise à la terre du générateur peut causer une électrocution, surtout si le générateur est équipé d’un kit de roue.
La omisión de conectar a tierra adecuadamente el generador puede resultar en electrocución, especialmente si el generador está equipado con un kit de ruedas.
Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations.
Ne pas exposer à la pluie ou l’humidité.
No exponga a la lluvia ni use en lugares húmedos.
Fuel warning
No smoking when filling with gasoline. Do not overfill. Full level is 1 in. below the top of the fuel neck. Stop the engine for five minutes before refueling to avoid the heat from the muffler igniting fuel vapors.
engine LUBRICANT warning
You must add lubricant before first operating the genera- tor. The oil reservoir capacity is 1.16 qt. Always check the lubricant level before each operation. The lubricant level should always register between
the hatched areas on the dipstick. The unit is equipped with a sensor which will automatically shut off the engine if the lubricant level falls below a safe limit.
grounding warning
National Electric Code requires gen- erator to be grounded to an approved earth ground.