Slot Usage Chart B - 1
BSlot Usage Chart
The ONline System Conce ntrator has seventeen slots, si xteen of which are
available slots for installing media modules (one slot is occupied by the
ONline Controller Module). The sl ot on the far left is slot number 1 and
runs to slot 17 on the far right. Use the chart on the next two pages to
keep track of the following:
which module is installed in each slot
which network (channel) each modu le is set for (or if it is isolated)
any general remarks, such as module serial number or module
specific configuration se ttings
Store any other information on this chart tha t you think will be helpful
when adding new module s or when diagnosing network questions.
Table B-1. Concentrator Slot Usage Chart
Slot Module
Type Network (#
or Isolated) Remarks