Step 8.1 – Create and preview import formats Step 8.1 – Create and preview import formats
Data Manager imports the Item IDs from a
collection category and/or Pull-list Results and
converts them into text files. An Import Format
defines how these text files are formatted.
The import format should include any command
codes required by your circulation system.
The import format can also add primary and/or
secondary information to each record in imported
collection and pull-list results text files.
Data Manager automatically assigns the “Pulled”
and “Not Pulled” import formats to pull-list results.
You can edit these formats but you cannot assign
different formats to pull results.
To define input format parameters
1 From the Admin Setup menu, click Import
2 Click New to create a new import format.
To edit an existing import format
Select an existing Import Format and click Edit.
3 Define the Import Format Parameters.
See the Data Format Guide for detailed
descriptions and examples of input format
and date/timestamp characters.
To check the import format
1 Click Preview to check the import format.
The characters shown (abc1234567890,
etc.) are generated as a sample barcode.
2 Click OK when you are done.
To designate a default import format
1 From the Admin Setup menu, click Import
2 From the Available Import Formats list,
select the format that you want to designate as
the default format.
3 Click Set Default.
When you add a category, the default
import format automatically appears in the
Import Format text box.
Figure 20: Import Formats dialog box.
Figure 21: Import Format Parameters.
Figure 22: Preview the import format to ensure that the
formatting meets your circulation system’s
Header String
Barcode Prefix
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