Step 4 – Create list folders
Before you can use Data Manager, you must create Shelf Order List, Search List, and Pull List folders. Once created, you can configure Data Manager to display the contents of these folders.
Data Manager software uses lists that are stored in these folders only.
The data lists generated from your circulation system must be placed in their respective folders.
Note: If location lists are used, they must be placed into the Shelf Order List folder.
Step 4.1 – Create shelf-order, search-list, and import folders
1Create folders for your lists:
a Create a folder for
b Create a folder for search lists.
cCreate a folder for your pull lists.
You may create the folders on a local hard drive or on a network drive.
The three list folders must be separate (one list folder cannot be located within another list folder).
You may name folders anything you like.
Storing lists on a network drive may degrade (slow) performance.
2Create an import destination folder.
Data Manager creates a category folder for each collection category that you create. These folders are stored in the Import File Destination folder. (See Step 8.2 – Create collection categories on page 24.)
Figure 4: Create list folders in a location on your hard drive that is easily accessible.
3Ensure that staff members who will be working with these folders have read and write access to them.
Step 4.2 – Move the list files into the correct folders
1Locate the
2Move list files into the correct folders:
Move the
Move the search list files into the search lists folder. Move the pull list files into the pull lists folder.
You may add or remove files from the folders at any time.
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