2-6 System Utilities
Main 0
The Main tab allows the user to set sys tem time and date, en able or disable boot option
and enable or disable recovery.
Figure 2-2. BIOS Main
Table 2-2 describes the parameters shown in Figure 2-2.
Table 2-2. BIOS Main
Parameter Description Format/Option
System Time BIOS system time in 24-hour format Format: HH:MM:SS
System Date BIOS system date Format MM/DD/YYYY
Total Memory Total memory available N/A
Video Memory A vailable memory for video N/A
Quiet Boot Shows OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) screen during system boot
instead of traditional POST screen
Option: Enabled or
Network Boot Option to boot system from LAN (local area
network) Option: Enabled or
F12 Boot Menu Option to use boot menu during POST Option: Enabled or
D2D Recovery Option to use D2D Recovery function Option: Enabled or