96 | 4 BIOS setup |
BIOS setup
The BIOS setup utility stores basic settings for your server. You will need to run this utility under the following conditions:
•When changing the system configuration
•When a configuration error is detected by the system and you are prompted ("Run Setup" message) to make changes to the BIOS setup
Note: If you repeatedly receive Run Setup messages, the battery may be bad. In this case, the system cannot retain configuration values in CMOS. Ask a qualified technician for assistance.
•When redefining the communication ports to prevent any conflicts
•When changing the password or making other changes to the security settings
Entering BIOS setup
Power on the server to start the system POST process. During bootup, press F2 to enter the BIOS setup screen.
Note: You must press F2 while the system is booting. This key does not work during any other time.
There are several tabs on the setup screen corresponding to the six primary BIOS menus:
•Server Management
•Save, Restore & Exit
The parameters on the screens shown in this User’s Guide display default system values. These values may not be the same as those in the system.