Actiontec Broadband Router User Manual
Network Select the type of connection being configured from the
Connection Type Displays the type of connection. Since this is PPPoE connection, “PPPoE” is displayed.
MTU MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) specifies the largest packet size permitted for Internet transmission. “Automatic, sets the MTU at 1492. Other choices include “Automatic,” which sets the MTU according to the connection to the ISP, and “Manual,” which allows the MTU to be set manually.
Underlying Connection Specify the underlying connection above which the proto- col initiates from the
PPP Configuration
Service Name Specify the networking peer’s service name, if provided by the ISP, in this text box.
Idle Time Before Hanging Up Enter the amount of idle time, in minutes, before the
PPPsession automatically ends .
Time Between Reconnect Attempts In this text box, specify the duration between
PPPreconnect attempts, as provided by the ISP.
PPP Authentication
MWarning: The PPP Authentication settings should not be changed unless instructed to do so by Verizon.