Command Reference
Step 3. Output returned:
Move 0 of 4 media was successful Error VOL024: error in the list
Media [MED013] target archive mode is unattended Media [MED016] target archive mode is unattended Media [MED022] target archive mode is unattended Media [MED034] target archive mode is unattended
Step 1. Errors with verbose option not specified.
Requests VolServ to move media MED003,
MED004, MED013, MED028, MED033, and
MED043 to the shelf2 library.
vsmove MED003 MED004 MED013 MED028 MED033 MED043
Step 2. Output returned:
Move 3 of 6 media was successful |
Error VOL024: error in the list |
Media [MED003] | item not found |
Media [MED004] | media already exists in an |
archive |
Media [MED033] | archive not associated with |
media |
| class |
Step 1. Unsuccessful Move request.
Requests VolServ to move media MEDabc and
MEDxyz to the BadArchive library.
vsmove MEDabc MEDxyz
601356 Rev A | Command Reference |