Command Reference
Step 1. Unsuccessful Unlock identifier with verbose option.
Requests VolServ to unlock drives 40, 41, 42, and 43, three of which have an assigned lock identifier of 1719790788, and to return status on every specified drive.
vsunlock -v 40 41 42 43 -l 1719790788
Step 2. Output returned:
Unlock [3] drives unlocked with lock id [1719790788] Error VOL024: error in the list
Drive [40] invalid lock id Drive [41]no error
Drive [42] no error Drive [43] no error
Step 1. Unsuccessful Unlock identifier without verbose option.
Requests VolServ to unlock drives 40, 41, 42, and 43, three of which have an assigned lock identifier of 1719790788 and to return status on a drive only if the Unlock request for that drive was unsuccessful.
vsunlock 40 41 42 43
Step 2. Output returned:
Unlock [3] drives unlocked with lock id [1719790788] Error VOL024: error in the list
Drive [40] invalid lock id
601356 Rev A | Command Reference |