2-44 OperatingTasks 600716 Rev A
A secondary file copy is written at the time the file is stored
with the fsstore command by specifying the number of
copies (including the primary file) up to the maximum number
of copies set for the DataClass group. The number of secondary
copies specified for a file cannot exceed the DataClass
maxcopies parameter value.
You can override the DataClass number of copies for a specific
file with the fschfiat command.
Processing When a storage request is received, either with theapplication
of the storage policy or the fsstore command, the file
eligibility is checked for storage.
If no media copy exists or the file is changed since the last
copy was made, the file is eligible for storage.
If the file data is already on media and the file has not
changed since the copy was made, the file is not eligible for
storage to media.
The current maximum allowable value for maxcopies is tw o
copies, a primary and a secondary.
Before you can use the fsstore command, you must
have read, write, or execute permission on the file yo u
want to truncate.