Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Displaying Traces
The Persistence Submenu
Infinite Monochrome Persistence
With infinite monochrome persistence ( INFINIT), traces accumulate on the
display until persistence is turned off or the display is cleared us ing th e Se tup
menu’s CLEAR DISPLAY softkey. Press OFF to turn off infinite monochrome
Variable Monochrome Persistence
With variable monochrome persistence ( VARIABL), older traces become dim-
mer as new traces are acquired. Traces can be one of seven different bright-
ness levels, with new traces being the brightest. After N number of sweep s (N
is set with the PERSIST SWEEPS), every trace gets dimmer by one int ensity
level; traces already at the dimmest level disappear altogether. Lower values
of N work best with this type of persistence, typically values of fiv e t hro u gh
10. Press OFF to turn off this persistence.
Color Grading Persistence
With color grading persistence ( COLOR GRADING), the color of a displayed
pixel is a function of how many times a trace dot falls on that particular pixel.
There are five possible colors that a pixel can be. If a pixel has progressed to
the highest color (yellow) before N PERSIST SWEEPS have occurr ed, it
remains that color no matter how many more do ts fall on it. After N PERSIST
SWEEPS, the color grading acquisition s tops. The following list shows the
order of colors a pixel can progress through: