trigger level, manually set, 1-25
trigger source, 1-22
trigger, menus, 3-12
turn calibrator signal on, 3-70
turning off RF correction, 3-62
application, 2-2
constructing a low-pass filter from a transfer
function, 2-30
create a horizontal histogram, 2-41
create a vertical histogram, 2-36
default and custom mask or limit line testing,
display the data pattern, 2-27
extinction ratios on low-level signals, 2-10
eye-parameters, 2-4
measure laser turn-on delay, 2-13
measurement in optical power units, 2-8
test to industry standards, 2-19
use software filters, 2-15
two masks displayed on screen, 3-9
Uuser correction files, supplied, 2-15
applied to data example, 2-16
files, 1-9
modes available, 1-5
user-correction file
erase, 3-60
recalling, 3-60
saving, 3-59
user-correction files, 3-18
user-correction, files, 3-18
70820A, 3-49
applying, 3-17
channel selection, 3-51
copy to alternate channel, 3-56
delete a channel, 3-52
displayed, 3-20
entering and editing, 3-52
example, 3-50
menu, 3-51
on off, 3-51
user-corrections applied to the data, 3-20
user-error in pattern mode, 2-29
Vvalues of program variables, 4-5
variable monochrome persistence, 3-28
variables to pass commands and data, 4-3
vertical histogram, 2-36
70820A menus, 3-20
calibration data, 3-66, 3-68
date and time, 3-21
error trace, 3-32
hardware response traces, 3-67
IF correction data traces, 3-66
last calibration date, 3-65
repetitive and non-repetitive signals, 3-5
signal in optical units, 2-12
the firmware date code, 3-20
user-correction data, 3-56