Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Displaying Traces
2cyan (light blue)
This persistence works best with high values of N, typically values of 50
through 100. In this mode, no softkeys can be pre ssed until after EXIT GRAD-
ING is pressed.
Monochrome Grading Persistence
Monochrome grading persistence ( MONO GRADING) works just like color
grading except that a given pixel increases in intensity instead of color each
time a dot falls on it. There are 15 different levels of intensity. In this mode,
EXIT GRADING must be used to return to normal instrument operation.
aApply persistence by pressing:
Traces, persist, PERSIST SWEEPS
Enter one of the following:
If variable persistence will be used, enter the number of sweeps taken before
a trace decrements in brightness.
If grading persistence will be used, enter the number of sweeps taken un ti l
the grading display is stopped.
bPress one of the four top right-side softkeys to select th e persistence mode.
cPressing OFF can stop INFINIT and VARIABLE persistence at any time.